House Speaker Nancy Pelosi said no to several congressional Democrats who want to pass a Court Packing bill. They intend to have 13 from 9 judges in the supreme court, but that will meet resistance from House Republicans with no votes.
Court-packing bill doomed to failure
In one of her weekly press conferences last Thursday, her opinion is that adding judges is not a problem. Still, she'll wait for results from President Joe Biden's commission with its recommendations, reported the Epoch Times.
She supports the commission that will provide input for the proposal. She told reporters that the Lower House is on the infrastructure bill getting lots of flak from the Senate Republicans.
In a New York Post report, she admitted that adding judges might be a bad or a good idea, but it depends on the concept. Pelosi mentioned that having a commission to make a study is a good move by the White House.
She then defended why adding more judges will not be so surprising. One example used to support what seemed to break the Constitution is that the United States has more people, and having 13 justices might be necessary.
A day earlier, the House Judiciary Committee Chairman Rep. Jerry Nadler (D-N.J.) and Sen. Ed Markey (D-Mass.) made the bill expand the Supreme Court with a Court Packing bill with four extra justices to be chosen by the president.
The administration faces stiff resistance from Republican states and governors who refuse to budge; more justices will force states and give force to Biden's overreach. Nadler told at a news conference denied that the Democrats were packing courts when asked about the bill.
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Senator Markey made wide assertions in statement, saying that Republicans placed Justice Amy Coney Barrett's, calling it a criminal act, the Republicans choose her. He added that Donald Trump damaged the Constitution, compared to Biden's overreach, which was more unconstitutional.
He then went on the usual politics of racial, gender politics of Democrats, emphasizing that Trump disenfranchised the migrant communities. He claimed by adding more judges might be biased to the Democrat agenda; even taking away the Filibuster to allow more partisan bills to be passed.
But, Pelosi told reporters that it would not be promoted to the House floor. Compared to previous bills, she seem not so enthusiastic over this piece of legislation.
Not enough votes to support it
The Nadler bill is not expected to get past the floor if a vote was to be done showing least support and probably meeting an end on the House floor.
By comparison, the Democrats have 218 seats and a slim lead over the Republicans; if Pelosi loses more than two votes from her side will fail to pass any bill in the house.
the Senate will have the bill; adding more judges will cause the Republican senators to invoke the Filibuster, which will need 60 votes overall, but both parties are 50-50 in the Senate.
Pelosi added that the president may or may not sign the Court Packing bill if it passes the Senate floor, which will be fought out. The ex-vice president Biden denied he would pack the courts, but he did another flip flop on record.
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