Arizona Governor Doug Ducey approved an order last Monday that bans all states and governments asking for vaccine passports to enter areas or services. The Biden administration is intent on pushing the measures as another weaponization of COVID-19.
Arizona Governor does not allow vaccine passports
Gov. Ducey is one of the Republican state governors who don't trust the intention of the COVID-19 passes, which the Democrats want to reinforce on red states, reported the Epoch Times.
He firmly stated that Arizona would never allow the COVID-19 passes to control where the residents go or need it for services. Several states like Florida gave the Biden administration the thumbs down for restricting Americans' move.
According to a statement by Ducey that AZcentral quoted.
The Republican governor said, "The government should not force residents of our state to reveal their private medical information. While we strongly encourage all Arizonians to get the COVID-19 vaccine, it is not and will never be mandatory in our state. It is up to each person, not the government, to decide whether or not to get vaccinated."
An executive order set out the conditions that will guarantee all state and local governments from demanding proof that anyone is vaccinated. Under no circumstance will the state discriminate between vaccinated and unvaccinated people in getting permits, services, or licenses.
Arizona Governor Ducey's ban on vaccine passports has several conditions when necessary, that is, practical and common sense. Not covered by the ban are private businesses, which can optionally prove vaccination to allow entry or similar services.
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It also doesn't prevent healthcare and long-term-care institutions from requesting a patient's, resident's, employee's, or visitor's COVID-19 vaccination status.
The order does not affect private businesses, requiring vaccination documentation as a condition for entry or service. It also does not prevent health care and long-term care institutions from requiring the COVID-19 vaccination status of a patient, resident, employee, or visitor.
Still, Arizona law gives schools, child care centers, and universities the option to require vaccination documentation, if needed. Ducey joined several Republican governors giving orders to ban vaccine verification and recently Tennessee last week.
Almost 2 million have taken the COVID-19 vaccine in Arizona, with six state-run vaccination sites and another one coming in April. The governor said the vaccine is for everyone who will get it, mentioning those in danger of infection and vulnerable populations. He added that 20,000 or more vaccination dates are for scheduling; there are more than 5000 set for Tucson.
He went on to say, "I'm thankful to the medical practitioners, healthcare workers, and selfless volunteers who are rapidly vaccinating Arizonans and protecting our state's health."
The World Health Organization announced that requiring proof of vaccination to travel abroad is not necessary.
"No need of proof of vaccination as a condition of entry, considering the minimal (though growing) evidence about the effectiveness of vaccines in reducing transmission and the continuing inequity in global vaccine distribution," the WHO's Emergency Committee recommended.
Arizona Governor Ducey's banning of vaccine passports comes as Democrat states are forcing it on residents like New York and California's Orange County.
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