
Turkey Sour Over Biden’s Accusing Ankara of Armenian Genocide

Turkey Sour Over US President Biden’s Designation Accusing Ankara of Armenian Genocide
Sean Gallup/Getty Images

Turk is furious over the US that said that they are guilt of the Armenian genocide. Apparently, President Joe Biden has offended another of their NATO allies. Since taking office, the President has been cited as weak in foreign policy and makes wrong decisions.

Ankara is Accused of Armenian Genocide

According to the Turkish Deputy Foreign Minister Sedat Onal, who called the U.S. Ambassador David Satterfield on April 24, the offensive statement called the killing and deportation of Armenians by the Ottoman Empire as mass killing reported the Epoch Times.

Onal said his government would protest the offensive statement and said it was uncalled for. Turkey expressed resentment over what the Biden administration has done.

A statement from Ibrahim Kalin, Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan's spokesman, reported by Reuters. He said the announcement by the American president would have an answer Erdogan will have something in store for such an offensive statement.

Turkish foreign ministry representative said that it violates international law and has no legal ground to support it. President Biden has broken conventions and accuses all the Turkish people to part of the genocide, and his action only hurt relations between the two countries.

On April 24, Biden made good on a campaign pledge by denouncing the Armenian genocide of an estimated 1.5 million Ottoman Armenians that started in 1915. The Ottoman Empire was the precursor of today's Turkey.

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One of the questions is why President Biden made the reckless statement that delved into the history and pain of the Armenians, who still have their enmity against now modern Turkey. Though he has no direct references to Turkey itself, it should have been done more delicately.

On April 24, the US president's remarks were released commemorating the day in 1915 when the Ottoman state began harassing Armenian intellectuals and community leaders. Many Turkish officials were furious and issued statements of protest directed at the US.

On April 25, Turkey's presidential representative said that Biden's genocide designation is "unfair and unfortunate," and that Turkey will respond in several ways in the following months.

Now, Biden's spectacular miscalculation is only one of many mistakes he has committed in foreign policy.

Kalin said that Ankara would retaliate by limiting the access of US forces to the Incirlik airbase in southern Turkey. It is one of the staging areas for the international coalition fighting the ISIS terrorist groups in Syria and Iraq. Cutting off access because of Biden's error will cost the US a lot, but Ankara said to expect more measures to spite the US.

Turkey called 'genocide' the wrong word and added that Turks and Armenians were killed in World War I. Except for Biden's statement declaring genocide, all U.S. presidents were diplomatic about it. Even Trump was aware of it.

The US and Turkey are at odds over purchasing Russian-made S400 defense systems, which is unacceptable as a NATO member.

Kalin, the spokesman for Turkey's president, said that president Biden calling out Turkey for the Armenian genocide is a mistake. He should be more careful over loose and irresponsible words.

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Recep Tayyip Erdogan
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