
Ma'Khia Bryant Holding a Knife During Shooting? Debates Continue If the Police Actions Were Right

Ma'Khia Bryant Holding a Knife During Shooting, Debates Continue If the Police Actions Were Right
Scott Olson/Getty Images

The shooting incident of Ma'Khia Bryant, 16, by a Colombus Ohio Policeman last April 20, remains a debate whether the police's action was wrong or right. One of these viewpoints is firing shots to save the other girl from Bryant's violence was warranted.

Ma'Khia Bryant shooting by the police was needed to save her victim's life

According to those who saw the video involving police officer Nicolas Reardon, he was right in shooting down the aggressor, reported the Vox.

Last week, viewers of racial backgrounds and political leanings decided after seeing the 15-second police body camera footage. They made specific observations about the attacker Ma'Khia.

Bryant held a butcher knife seconds from harming a girl wearing a pink jumpsuit. Others argue that she was a teenager and should not have stopped by any means, even if she stabs her victim.

This argument puts officer Reardon in trouble due to different interpretations, so the supporters of Ma'Khia has a narrative for their justifications to defunding the police.

Instead of using her name, other terms used to describe her are knife-wielding attacker, fat, huge, and maniac. Though some would argue, even CNN's Don Lemon and Chris Cuomo agree with the choice of saving a life, which is what a cop does.

On the day that Reardon's shooting of Ma'Khia Bryant, about 20 minutes earlier, the Derek Chauvin trial ended in a guilty verdict on all counts. The Chauvin case's decision will impact cops like Reardon, who risk their lives in doing their jobs.

The cries for justice for George Floyd did not cause ripples as much as Bryant. After it was revealed that Bryant was in foster care, she was in the middle of a dispute with older women when cops came, and that she was allegedly the one who summoned the police for help, people genuinely believed she was the one who called for help.

In contrast to what happened to George, Floyd, it was far more intensely felt compared to the incident with the teenager.

Some complain what the Ohio police department said about Bryant, that the office had no option but to fire his service pistol. But others say that shooting the girl was a big mistake.

Several crisis experts said Reardon did not use enough de-escalation tactics like telling the already crazed Bryant to drop the knife, getting in between her and the other woman or talking to her. One argument is that Bryant was black. If she were white, the policeman would have desisted from shooting her.

For many, this is another inception of race or politics into another domestic incident that needs immediate action to save a person's life. Officer Reardon acted fast enough and saved a victim, not allowing Bryant's violence to take a life.

Ma'Khia Bryant's funeral took place yesterday at the First Church of God where her family remembered her as a smart girl.

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