400 Dolphins Found Dead on Peruvian Shore in One Month Stump Scientists

The carcasses of nearly 400 dolphins were found on the Pacific Ocean beaches of Peru in January, according to officials who spoke to the Associated Press.

Nearly twice that number of dead dolphins were found in 2012 on beaches in the area.

The mass deaths have puzzled authorities and scientists since the cluster of deceased mammals washed up on the beaches. Authorities told AP that they're currently conducting autopsies on the group of dolphins that were found last month on the northern coast of the Lambayeque region.

IMARPE marine life agency technician Jaime de la Cruz said about 180 dolphins were discovered on the beach during the first three weeks of January. But in the final week of the month, authorities found around 220 dolphin carcasses in the vicinity.

De la Cruz said that necropsy officials would zero in on the dolphins' lungs, kidneys and livers when looking for what caused the mass deaths. He also added results would come back from the lab in about two weeks.

Although most have been stymied by the nearly 870 dolphins found in 2012, some experts say the deaths could be due to biotoxins in the ocean.

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