Kim Jong Un Orders Farmers to Collect Urine to Combat Fertilizer Shortage

Supreme North Korean leader Kim Jong Un orders farmers to give 2 liters of urine daily as a quota to be monitored. It came as a shortage of fertilizer followed after China stopped supplying North Korea.

Kim Jong Un orders farmers to give 2 liters of urine daily for fertilizer material

The North Korean leader just commanded that farmers and workers should give two liters of urine each day. It came after China, which supplies North Korea with massive amounts of fertilizer, suspended all commerce with the hermit nation at the beginning of the pandemic last January, reported Express UK.

Pyongyang has been compelled to look for other options because few countries are unwilling to trade with it, said Radio Free Asia. As the government begins the critical planting season, things needed to rush.

"Farms in North Hamgyong province have been instructed to produce fertilizer so that the farms can have a supply of fertilizers," a source in the agricultural industry told RFA.

As the country starts its planting season, things needed to move fast. It prompted the agricultural leaders to develop a novel plan for generating compost to satisfy this year's grain production targets.

According to the provincial rural management commission, which commanded these farms to produce fertilizer from humus, they told farmers to add their daily urine quotas to be mixed in with compost.

Before planting season, farms in North Hamgyong have been told there is no fertilizer available, which is serious as farming will be seriously affected. Kim Jong Un orders farmers to give 2 liters of urine daily or else be reprimanded.

To make it worse, the authorities left them to figure out a solution between themselves not giving support, said the source, noted the Daily Star Post.

"In some cooperative farms, workers are expected to bring two litres of urine per person per day to be added into the compost pile until the production target is met," they said.

A daily quota of donated urine will be monitored and marked in a record book; all farmers and workers should comply with the directive or face reprimand.

The news broke out after the ruling Korean Workers' Party held a rare meeting.

Kim is said to have lauded the country's founding Juche self-reliance philosophy during the session.

However, following the authorities' tried to paint the plan as a revolutionary struggle, the farmers believe that the situation is ludicrous since the strategy depends on producing urine in record amounts for the fertilizer crisis.

"Some farm workers complain they are in a reality where they can't help laughing because they're continuously being chided for not providing enough urine for their individual quote daily." the source said.

In the northern province of Ryanggang, a source mentioned that farmers and workers are chaffing over the impose strict urine quotas.

"At the Eighth Party Congress in January, the Highest Dignity (Kim Jong-un) reiterated that the agricultural sector of the economy main goal was to achieve food self-sufficiency," the second source said.

Farmers are told to mix their urine and fecal waste to mix with hummus and complete batches of compost for planting.

They were stealing others' excrement from their outhouses and struggling to control public toilets due to this massive goal. Those with money will pay money instead.

Kim Jong Un orders farmers to give 2 liters of urine daily, causing relative chaos to produce scarce fertilizer.

Kim jong un, Pyongyang, Farmers, North korea