Biden Reverses Another Trump-Era Immigration Policy

Pres. Joe Biden met a group of "Dreamers" at the White House and announced the revocation of Trump-era immigration policy that bars migrants from entering the country if they cannot afford to pay for their healthcare.

Pres. Joe Biden
U.S. President Joe Biden delivers remarks on the COVID-19 response and vaccination program as Vice President Kamala Harris listens in the Rose Garden of the White House. Alex Wong/Getty Images

Trump's Immigration Policy

Former U.S. President Donald Trump released different executive orders that protect the U.S. from migrants illegally entering the country. This ensures that only those migrants who lawfully enter the country get the job and make sure also the interests of residents in the country in terms of employment.

In a published article in FOX News, one of the immigration policies that Trump released in 2019 required migrants or those applying for citizenship in the country to pay for their healthcare. The order means that if they cannot afford to have their health insurance, they are not qualified to enter and live in the country because they are deemed a financial burden.

Trump's immigration order has helped the country control the number of migrants, especially those arriving at different borders. However, most of Trump's immigration policies were reversed under the Biden administration.

Biden Met the "Dreamers" at the White House

Pres. Joe Biden has long been touting his immigration agenda even during the recent U.S. Presidential elections. Experts believed that it was one of the biggest factors why he won the election.

According to a published report in Yahoo News, Biden announced his revocation of Trump's immigration policy. This means that there is no need for a migrant anymore to prove they can or cannot pay for their healthcare insurance.

Biden's order came when he met the "Dreamers" at the White House on Friday. The order stated that Trump's immigration policy does not advance the interests of the country. He also added that his administration commits to expand access to quality and affordable healthcare.

Biden's Statement About His Revocation of Trump's Immigration Policy

In a recently published in The Hill, Pres. Joe Biden said, "We can achieve that objective, however, without barring the entry of noncitizens who seek to immigrate lawfully to this country but who lack significant financial means or have not purchased health insurance coverage from a restrictive list of qualifying plans."

The White House also defended Bden's order and explained that uninsured during the time of Former Pres. Donald Trump often received hospital care and treatment. However, they were not given assurance for reimbursements to their hospital bills.

The White House also added that the consequences of this treatment are carried on to the American people in increased wages, insurance, and payments for medical facilities. The United States has a long tradition of accepting legally arriving refugees in search of better opportunities.

Effects of Biden's Revocation on Trump's Immigration Policy

Pres. Joe Biden immediately released different orders that revoked and reversed the previous immigration orders. This led to various effects, such as the increase of the arrival of migrants at the Southern Border.

Customs and Border Patrol encountered 178,622 people attempting to reach the United States in April, a 3% rise from the nearly 172,000 encountered in March, the largest figure in 20 years.

Joe Biden, Donald Trump, Migrants, Healthcare, White House