Reports say that the air defense system at al-Asad Airbase knocked out and shot down drones targeting personnel in the bases. The Al-Asad Airbase is one of the biggest and oldest bases in Iraq. The US and Coalition troops use it for staging areas for operations in the region, reported CNN.
The base is located at the Anbar province, where Isis was very active in the western side of Iraq from 2014 and 2017.
Attacks by Iran
One rocket shot was shot down over Bagdhad, said the spokesperson for the US-Coalition forces, Wayne Marotto. He wrote in a tweet, "The missile landed close to the BDSC without any injuries or property damage. The attack is being investigated.", noted KDRV.
Attacks by anti-US forces have caused casualties, including civilians. The Biden administration wants Iran to go back for talks. However, Iran has held firm and refuses to abided by any agreements.
Marotto added that every attack on the Iraqis and the Kurdistan Region of Iraq is intentional, which targets the authority of their institutions. The assault on Iraq is to undermine rule of law and national sovereignty cited Times of Israel.
Who sent the drones?
Intelligence has not pinpointed who carried out the stealthy attack with drones or the singular rocket attack directed at the BDSC.
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One year ago, the Al-Asad air base was struck by Iranian missiles in retribution for the US-sponsored assassination of the Revolutionary Guard commander, Qasem Soleimani. The killing strike was done when the general was near the Baghdad airport.
US withdrawal
Last April, the US indicated that it had intentions to leave the country, according to a joint statement from representatives of the US and Iraq. One of the reasons why the US is moving out is the end of the ISIS threat. Another reason cited is that local security forces are ready for the transition.
However, some US commanders have voiced their concerns if the US leaves the country. Some of these concerns include increased difficulty in monitoring the activities of terrorists and the loss of a convenient staging ground. There are also fears of the return of ISIS when the US withdrawal is complete, leaving Iraq vulnerable to ISIS and other Islamic insurgents.
Stationed in the country are 2,500 troops that are part of the international coalition Operation Inherent Resolve, made up of nations as a coalition to combat the forces of ISIS and defeat the organization. At some point, the ISIS Caliphate had been dominant in parts of Iraq and Syria.
Despite situations like the Iraqi drones shot down, most of the troops are not engaged in combat but are deployed for training and advisory tasks. The withdrawal of troops will allow for the redeployment of any remaining forces in the Middle Eastern country, added the joint US-Iraq statement.
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