Caitlyn Jenner Talks Run For Governor, Her Voting record, Kim Kardashian, And More On “The Issue Is”

Caitlyn Jenner sat down with FOX 11's Elex Michaelson on Friday in her first TV interview with a California journalist since her campaign to become state governor. The candidate's interview came about six months after the transgender activist and parent to world-famous Kim Kardashian announced plans to challenge Gavin Newsom amid a recall campaign.

The two discussed many of Jenner's plans if she becomes nominated for the position. One of the questions Michaelson asked Jenner is her qualifications for California governor and what would make her the most suited person for the job.

California Governor

When Jenner applied to be a candidate, she joined several others with backgrounds and experiences in the political field, including former San Diego Mayor Kevin Faulconer, former California congressman Doug Ose.

Michaelson questioned what made Jenner different from these candidates and what her advantages were coming into the nomination. Jenner answered that she has been preparing her whole life for this fight. She said California was in a decline and is fighting for the position to show people if they see something wrong, they should stand up and fight.

If Jenner does win the candidacy for California governor, Michaelson asked if Kim Kardashian would become an advisor to the state governor. She has previously been seen frequently at the White House during Donald Trump's administration, working on criminal justice reform.

Jenner said Kardashian was doing a great job with criminal justice reform and is spot on with her perspective. While she did not request her daughter to join her campaign, Jenner said she would keep her ears open to Kardashian if she does become California governor, FOXLA reported.

Michaelson also asked Jenner for her choice of a replacement for Senator Diane Feinstein if she steps down from her 3.5-year-long term. The California governor candidate said she would pick the right person for the job regardless of their political or personal views. She said she was not restricted to a specific view like most other Republicans.

California's Decline

Jenner said one of the state's main problems that contribute to its decline is homelessness, and it is made worse by regulations that make it difficult to build affordable housing. She said her plan once she becomes governor is to work together with charities to build more homes for residents.

Jenner agreed that tents set up on sidewalks across the region were a big problem. She also said Newsom was not doing enough despite providing a $12 billion package to battle the issue. Jenner also assured residents she will not be swayed by other parties because she does not owe any special interest group in Sacramento anything.

Jenner also criticized Newsom, arguing the California governor played politics when he decided to send stimulus checks to residents amid a recall campaign. However, Michaelson replied by saying federal law required money to be returned to residents if there was a budget surplus.

The two also talked about the time in 2020 where Jenner previously said she did not vote despite public records showing she did. She said there was some confusion with the incident about mail-in balloting, FOX News reported.
