While on vacation, a British tourist had a chance encounter with a crocodile that could have ended in death if not for the fearlessness of her twin sister who hit the reptile until it let go. The victim is in critical condition with injuries while her sibling suffered bite marks.
Twins meet the beast
According to reports, the holidaymakers from the UK are identified as Melissa Laurie, 28, and Georgia Laurie, 28. Both had booked a stay at Puerto Escondido, a surfing resort that is popular with foreigners. Melissa was swimming in a lagoon at night that was 10 miles from their resort, reported The Daily Mail.
While swimming, the reptile went after Melissa and pulled her down to drown her. Georgia noticed what happened and dove under the water when her sister did resurface or answer her calls.
Georgia pulled her sister to the surface and tried to board a boat. However, the crocodile continued its attack and refused to let go of the victim. At that point, Georgia punched the animal until it let go of her sister.
Their mother, Sue Laurie from Berkshire, was later told that Melissa almost drowned and that both sisters were bitten by the crocodile and hospitalized. She was also informed that during the attack, one twin fights off a savage crocodile in a Mexican lagoon.
Sue confirmed that both her daughters were on holiday in Mexico and that they were victims of a crocodile attack. She later confirmed that Melissa survived her injuries. Sue also said that she was unsure of Melissa's injuries but described that she was coughing out blood, possibly from an injury to her lungs.
Zookeeper sister saves the day
The father of Melissa and Georgia, Sean Laurie, said Georgia is a zookeeper, and her knowledge saved her sister, cited the Mirror UK, "Georgia forced the animal to stop attacking." He added," One is a diver and with first-aid knowledge, saved the unconscious sister."
Both sisters were with others in the bioluminescent waters of the lagoon, when Melissa was attacked by the crocodile. Her sister became alarmed when she did not hear her sister.
A deadly visit to a beautiful lagoon
The two women had gone on a boat ride to the Manialtepec Lagoon, a coastal lagoon that is renowned because of its bioluminescence. The lagoon is created by saltwater from the Pacific Ocean, freshwater from the Manialtepec River, and deep water from the lagoon, giving it rich ecological diversity.
Sean Laurie mentioned, as noted by Nation LK, "His girls had asked specifically whether swimming is safe, and the guide had replied it was."
Backpacking around the world is something that the sisters were used to doing. They left the United Kingdom in March with the plan of going back in November. Now, the parents think they should fly out to pick them up in Mexico and take them home. As one twin fights off a savage crocodile in a Mexican lagoon, the other is severely injured ending a holiday on a bad note.