59-Year-Old Woman Charged with Mutilating 32-Year-Old Son’s Body

Police charged a 59-year-old Michigan woman for illegally removing and mutilating her 32-year-old son's dead body, officials said Monday.

The St Clair Shores police arrested Dona Scrivo Saturday, after they found dismembered body parts of her dead son Ramsay Scrivo in garbage bags. He was reportedly missing since Jan. 26. The police found the body parts Thursday and Friday at five different locations in St. Clair County.

She was arraigned in St Clair Shores, Michigan, on charges of disinterment and mutilation of a body, St Clair County Sheriff Tim Donnellon, said at a news conference, reports CNN.

The authorities said she might face more charges. According to Detective Sergeant Jay Cohoe, the autopsy is yet to be finished and only then the cause of the death would be known.

Scrivo had requested last May the Macomb County's probate court for "temporary guardianship on an emergency basis because her son was suicidal and despondent over the illness of his father," reports the Associated Press. The father died later

"From what I understand, it (the father's death) did have a negative impact on the family," Cohoe said. However, it was unclear what prompted Scrivo to chop off own son's dead body.

A witness called the police after seeing a middle-aged woman throwing garbage bags into the snow besides Allington Road in St. Clair and China township. A closer look at the bags showed that it did not contain trash but human remains, reported the Examiner. Some body parts slipped from the garbage bags and fell onto the snow.

St. Clair County police as well as Michigan State Police investigators arrived at the scene and began a manhunt for the woman, who was described as heavyset and driving a grayish-white GMC Jimmy or Chevrolet Trailblazer.

According to The Detroit Free Press, police obtained video footage from a surveillance camera at a gas station. The woman halted at the gas station Thursday. Police immediately released her photos to the public and sought help to find her.