According to the Republican from Ohio, the Russian president was able to elaborate on recent events in the US that he used as a cudgel to lambast the US on the world stage.
Putin used Democrat narratives to drive his point home
Putin brought to discussion the Jan. 6 Capitol incident and the activities of the Black Lives Matter, tagging the protesters as "homegrown terrorists." This was the reason why Biden has gone after perceived dissidents, and the remarks caught the US president off guard, reported Newsmax.
The GOP member criticized what transpired in the summit as proof that the US president was not ready when he faced the Kremlin leader at all. Also, he did not counter the claims asserted by Putin, turning the summit one-sided.
On Newsmax 'National Report', Representative Turner said, "He [Putin] stated categorically that he is not Donald Trump and he's not putting America first, but we have no clue what he advocates for." The Republican from Ohio added, "As a consequence, you have a summit that could focus on specific domestic issues in the United States instead of the conflicts between the US and Russia."
One concession by Biden is the Nord Stream 2 pipeline, which is an apparent victory for Vladimir Putin to help his country economically and gain energy independence.
The Republican mentioned that the current acting secretary of the navy and the US administration will stop an important nuclear weapons program, which will give Russia a permission to modernize its nuclear arsenal. According to Turner, it is giving Moscow two wins; and Biden just allowed it to happen.
He stated that the president had no clear agenda when going into the summit and left with no victories for the US; instead Biden just gave Putin a platform to criticize the US.
It was strange according to him that Biden gave Putin a list of what not to lay a hand on about cyber-attacks. Turner described what happened like the schoolyard bully, who tore up another student's homework but the catch was some class homework would not be torn, or the school principal will know about it. Otherwise, the president gave the Kremlin leader a line where to cross and not to cross. Like telling his counterpart they can talk as long as he follows the rules.
Turner noted that the current US administration must determine its foreign policy like the former administration. "That most of the meeting of the current president with the EU, the G-7, and NATO, now the Geneve Summit has shown he conceded to their demands," said Turner.
By the end of the interview, Turner left an analogy that will surley get a lot of people thinking. He said, "We realize that he does not want to put America first, that, by the way, should be quite disturbing to everybody. It's the equivalent of stepping into the court and have your lawyer declare, 'You know, I really don't want you to succeed,'"per One News Page.
Turner says President Joe Biden's unpreparedness signifies that the US will not be represented by someone with America's interest.
Related article: Vladimir Putin Mocks Joe Biden As Common 'Career Politician' After He's Called Killer, Says Donald Trump Is Far Better