
Trump Calls Biden As the Most Unpatriotic President in the History As July Fourth Independence Day Events Kickoff

"Biden is probably the most unpatriotic president in American history," Trump said at an Independence Day event.

Donald Trump
Former U.S. President Donald Trump speaks during a rally on July 3, 2021 in Sarasota, Florida. Co-sponsored by the Republican Party of Florida, the rally marks Trump's further support of the MAGA agenda and accomplishments of his administration. Eva Marie Uzcategui/Getty Images

Trump Slammed Biden During 4th of July Celebration

In a recently published article in Yahoo News, President Joe Biden is arguably the most disloyal president in American history according to Trump, since his government canceled a planned Fourth of July fireworks display at Mount Rushmore in South Dakota because of COVID-19 transmission fears.

The former president also said that his administration had amazing and beautiful fireworks at Mount Rushmore, and then he saw the other day that they refuse to let it happen again. Trump believes they do it in spite of themselves.

Meanwhile, Trump's appearance at Sarasota Fairgrounds during Independence Day was attended by Trump supporters. It was the latest in a string of recent speeches celebrating Trump's return to the spotlight, which he dubbed a "Save America" rally, according to a published article in Bay News9.

Request To Hold Fireworks at Mount Rushmore Denied

Governor Kristi Noem of South Dakota filed a lawsuit against the National Park Service after the agency rejected a request to conduct fireworks on the Fourth of July at Mount Rushmore, according to a published article in Good Word News.

The report says the U.S. District Court for the District of South Dakota dismissed Noem's complaint on June 2, stating that although the fireworks show was "appealing," finding in Noem's favor would be "improper judicial intervention."

Meanwhile, Trump joked that the Left wanted to "cancel the heroes on Mount Rushmore" by replacing President Thomas Jefferson's image at the Jefferson Memorial in Washington, D.C. with that of Al Sharpton or Joe Biden.

Thousands Flocked as Trump Holds Independence Day Rallt at Sarasota Fairgrounds

People realize that this is history and that no one can delete it and not have a problem later, according to Trisha Hope, one of the rally attendees. History must be recorded, and that is exactly what they accomplished.

She published a book of President Trump's tweets and sells it throughout the nation. The Sarasota rally will be her 36th Trump event, she added. Outside the venue, vendors sold t-shirts and other things with the words "Trump 2024" imprinted on them.

Supporters of Trump have said that they are attending the event to show their support for not just him, but also the MAGA movement as a whole. According to a Trump fan, Trump is not just one individual who they admire. They characterized the former president as a guy who embodies the American ideal, energy, and strength.

They donned red, white, and blue and covered themselves in Trump flags during the Fourth of July weekend. Supporters said they wanted to show that Trump is still a "face" in the Republican Party and that he will return to the campaign stage and perhaps the campaign trail.

During the event, Trump also chastised Biden for dissolving his 1776 Commission, which advocated for "patriotic teaching" in American schools, as well as the 1619 Project, which claimed that the United States was founded on slavery.

Donald Trump, Independence Day, Fourth of July, Rally, Joe Biden
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