
Humongous Military Bunker Designed to Protect the Queen When Nuclear War Happens

The bunker was photographed and the immense interior was exposed to the public. It is three stories tall with an area of 30,000 square feet for the occupants. Inside is a BBC broadcasting studio for making public announcements.

The main function of the nuclear bunkers is to preserve the Queen, anyone left who can keep the government running should a nuclear war happen, reported mirror UK.

Nuclear shelter

Over three stories, the 30,000 square foot underground building was equipped with a BBC broadcasting studio and would have housed HRH Queen Elizabeth II and her party in the event of a nuclear war.

Branton Quarry Nuclear Bunker was built in the 1940s and expanded in 1952, with substantial space to accommodate everyone inside the bunker. According to Edinburgh Live, the bunker is located in Edinburgh, Scotland. This would be where the VIPS would be headed if an attack were to while in Scotland.


Until now, the structure was a secret up to 1963 when it was exposed by the anti-war activist group Spied for Peace. This nuke shelter is a 'rare historic survival' that was built, a part of the national scheme. Regional Seats of Government was the reference to those who would survive in any attack, and govern from there.

The three stories were meant to house different government agencies, royal families, military personnel, police, and emergency personnel. One can call it a building built underground that is a humongous military bunker for the Queen.

In the UK, it is considered one of the biggest underground military sites that lie about 100-feet under Corstorphine Hill in Barnton Quarry.

When the Spies for Peace found out about Barnton Quarry, it was by accident. Breaking into another supposed to be secret bunker in Reading, they came across papers outlining the nationwide scheme. There were to save the government if the cold war ends in nuclear launches. The establishment of Regional Seats of Government was not expected by the activists.

To prove its existence and document everything about the complex, they took pictures and duplicated documents found there. Later the group published what they found in a pamphlet called "Danger! Official Secret RSG-6."

Spreading the word

Spied for Peace sent out their pamphlet to the press, politicians, and peace activists during that period. Its members were not pleased that the RSGs were not getting the public attention that they deserved. One concern is if the occupants of these secret bunkers would not be elected officials, and have military control too. Several individuals were arrested by the authorities but not the original spies.

There are claims of green telephone boxes hiding the entrance but were never proven. Residents say they did see them but were removed.

Secret Scotland said that one witness claims he saw the Green Telephone box and it did exist. He claimed that he was a resident of the Clermiston estate and said that he did see them allegedly. But he had no proof of his story.

Edinburgh, Scotland
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