Iraqi Wedding Banquet Chef Dies After Getting Cooked in Vat of Boiling Chicken Soup

Iraqi Wedding Banquet Chef Dies After Getting Cooked in Vat of Boiling Chicken Soup
Image by Monsterkoi/Pixabay

This freak accident took everyone by surprise when the chef fell into a huge soup vat. What was supposed to have been a celebration, ended with the chef getting cooked after he accidentally slipped.

The preparation for the lavish wedding banquet was held at the Hazel wedding hall in Zakho last June 15, reported the Gulf News. The incident happened in Abu Dhabi where Iraq had its cooking district where Zakho was located. It is where the Dohuk governorate is in Kurdistan.

Soups on! Where's the chef?

The victim, identified as Issa Ismail was preparing the banquet when the incident happened. While stirring the huge vat that was on the floor, the 25-year-old victim slipped near the soup and fell in.

After he was taken from the boiling hot soup, he was rushed to the Dohuk hospital which was 40 miles away from the banquet hall. Issa was treated for severe burns, reported the Daily Mail.

Despite efforts to save the cook by the doctors, he died five days later on June 21 from third-degree burns. The soup must have been burning hot to cook an Iraqi wedding banquet chef.

Chef who got cooked becomes a social media buzz

It is tragic and how bizarre Chef Issa met his untimely demise. The Iraqis were mad and were shocked. Many users were quick to blame how safety was not important in restaurants and kitchens.

Another comment by a user is that owners of banquet halls and restaurants should pay more attention to the welfare of employees.

One way is lessening pressure on workers to avoid stress, and improving the organization of the workplace. They call on those concerned to improve everything for employees in general.

These soup vats weren't small. Those used for cooking can fit an adult male that is on the floor. It is no surprise that the Iraqi chef did fall because of a freak accident.

Relatives talk

One of Issa Ismail's relatives talked about what happened. Zervan Hosni, the victim's kinsman said the unfortunate chef had been working at the restaurant for almost ten years. He raised concern over the death of Issa, which could have been avoided.

He added that the chef specialized in wedding parties, mourning feasts, and other ceremonies that he prepared for. In two years, he had been doing the party halls for 25,000 dinars a day! Hosni spoke to the Middle East in In-24, said the 25,000 dinars were only £12.45, or $17.12 US dollars.

With regret, the relative added that Issa's passing left his family of two daughters and 6-month-old son fatherless.

The Iraqi wedding banquet chef dies when he tumbles into a large vat of soup while preparing for a wedding event, but this was his last preparation.

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