The seven Viking tombs from the 10th century were different from the others during that time. Archeologists found evidence of elements from Christian burials in the same period that was only seen in these graves.
The Uppdrag Arkeologi firm is supervising the excavation of Seven Viking tombs from the 10th century that was discovered in Sigtuna, Stockholm.
One speculation by the scientists who found the remains of two infants that they might be twins who died due to a miscarriage. When examined, the tombs contained the remains of four adults and four infants. T
Vikings become Christians?
Johan Runer, the project manager of the firm spoke to Live Science and gave a statement regarding the find. He remarked the Viking graves were Christian influenced,with how these were arranged.
He noted that one grave had two infants of the same age when it was dug up, adding that the remains of the children must have been a miscarriage.
Uppdrag Arkeologi explained on their Facebook page that the Christian character of burial was before any Christian churches and cemeteries were established, reported the Daily Mail.
Archeologists said these tombs are possibly the first Christian funerals held in Sigtuna during that time. The particular date is thought to be in the late 900s.
Clues pointing to conversion from paganism
This evidence was man-made stone piles called "cairn," seen on top of the four tombs. One grave had a stone cist, or stones arrange in a box shape, noted the Daily Advent.
Runer remarked that they were not seen in Sigtuna, but most of the characteristics were seen in non-Viking graves.
Another difference from this era is that cremation was more common than having graves like the people buried there. One of them is being laid on their backs in an east to west orientation.
More evidence of non-pagan traditions with charcoal deposits, slightly burnt caskets as related to Christian fire rituals were found.
These tombs were not far from Sigtuna's areas with pre-Christian iron age graves, close to the Viking tombs. Uppdrag Arkeologi mentioned a link to both sites existed.
All-access to the excavation was closed to the public, said the firm. They added that all the data from the tombs would be presented when completed.
The firm added while the site was closed for the duration of the dig. All results will be posted for the publics' information.
The Age of Vikings
In the history of Europe, the Vikings or Norsemen were from 700 to 1100 AD. They were ranging from Scandinavia where they lived. Many were sailors on their longboats that visited Britain and Ireland.
Initially, they were welcomed by the people of the British Isles and the locals. As history depicted the welcome was repaid by Vikings in pillaging and sacking churches, and even razing homes to the ground.
The Britons called them Danes, as the invading foreigners were from Norway, Sweden, and Denmark too. Viking was old Norse for "pirate raid." The Discovery of seven Viking tombs from the 10th century was oddities in the pre-Christian world.
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