The COVID-19 virus quickly spread in early 2020, infecting many people across different countries and forcing governments to impose lockdown restrictions while warning residents what symptoms to look out for, with little knowledge at the time of asymptomatic cases.
Public health experts warned people of the basic symptoms, which include high temperature and continuous coughing, with some cases reporting a loss of taste or smell, fatigue, and sore throat.
COVID-19 Symptoms
As the coronavirus pandemic continued for more than a year, medical experts have reported various new symptoms and conditions associated with the virus. Several variants of the infection have also been reported, with some being much more contagious than the original strain. Currently, the Delta variant is considered as the most transmissible of the strains, quickly dominating new cases in recent months.
But a recent UK-based study that is analyzing the infection, has allowed the public to report COVID-19 symptoms that they experience through an application. The data allows scientists to review the information and determine which conditions are widely reported among infected individuals.
The study named the Zoe Covid Symptom has recently determined the five most widely reported new symptoms related to the coronavirus in recent weeks. Researchers noted that the public has reported varying conditions depending on whether or not an individual has been vaccinated, what brand of vaccine they received, and how many injections they have been given, CNBC reported.
The study first published several of the new symptoms in June but are still relevant as they are still considered the top five symptoms being reported by infected individuals. The most common symptoms are based on only the reported conditions on the app and did not take into account real-world symptoms caused by the virus or any of its variants.
The study said that it has seen a similar case of symptoms developing among people who have and have not been vaccinated. The main difference is that vaccinated individuals reported fewer symptoms over a period, suggesting the treatment helps prevent the severity of the infection.
Varying Symptoms in Infected Individuals
Based on the statements of the people who have received two shots of the coronavirus vaccine, the most common symptom that is experienced is headache, followed by a runny nose. Afterward come sneezing, sore throat, and loss of smell.
On the other hand, people who have only received one shot of the vaccine reported that the most common symptom of headache, followed by a runny nose, sore throat, sneezing and persistent cough.
The researchers, including Dr. Alex Crozier of the University College London, said the current situation would allow experts to conduct more precise testing and data collection. The medical expert said it would be possible to reduce the number of transmissions amid a growing number of variant infections, BBC reported.
Additionally, Dr. Ganesh Manudhane, a Mumbai cardiologist, said last month that some of his patients have developed microthrombi, which are small blood clots. The medical expert said the condition may have been connected to the Delta variant.
Doctors have seen such severe cases wherein some infected individuals experienced gangrene, leading two cases to require amputation of fingers or a foot to prevent the spread of the condition, the New York Post reported.
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