Nazi Bunker Destroyed in 1944 Was Found During Excavation of Carpark in Lubin Poland by Accident

In Lublin, Poland, an excavation of a carpark revealed a Nazi bunker destroyed in 1944 was found unexpectedly. The structure was built by the German's during World War II where it was destroyed and was just rediscovered recently.

Poland was one of these countries invaded by the Third Reich and was under occupation until the Nazis were routed by the Allied Forces towards the end of the war.

Polish News said the remains of the structure were dug up when the former Group of Clothing and Fabric Schools was excavated for a housing project at 10 Spokojna Street.

War era remnants surfaces

Finding the remains of what was an 80-years-old former bunker that had a stairwell and three underground corridors, with a concrete wall covered by wood beams, reported the Daily Mail.

Inside the bunker, archeologists saw several bottles of mineral water from Germany and the Czech Republic. With what was left of the bullets used before, the ammo seemed to come from the Germans and Russians.

The structure is seven meters under the building. Experts think it was one of the sites where the two armies had an engagement. Soon after, the Red Army entered the occupied city in 1944 where the intense fighting happened.

According to Dariusz Kopciowski, the Lublin Conservator of Monument, all activity was stopped so the experts can go over and examine the wartime era structure. The Nazi bunker destroyed in 1944 is important to examine and conserve.

When he spoke to The FirstNews, he said that until they went over the structure, they have no idea what is there. But he stressed that unexploded munitions will pose a danger. Inside, they saw what was shells that means the Germans were fighting Russians who got inside the bunker and firefights happened.

Other discoveries were tunnels dug by mining, noted the scholar. He added that the tunnels were dug underground by the Nazis, but it was not touched at all, leaving no signs that a bunker was lying underground.

He added that there was a discussion on how to examine and document the underground shelter with the office of the conservator. Scientists have started examining the corridors of the underground bunker.

Two skeletons of German soldiers were seen in the location by the investigators. The uniform remnants had the buttons, Nazi helmet, and the dead soldier's dog tag. This Nazi bunker destroyed in 1944 was one of the sites where Germans defended again the Soviets.

The Polish Invasion of 1939 of the Germans and Soviets, Lublin was part of the places governed and occupied by Nazi Germany. But it used to be controlled by Russia until Operation Barbarossa succeeded, and booted out the Soviets.

It was the headquarters for Operation Reinhardt which was about the eradication of Jews from Poland.

Many from the Lublin ghetto about 25,000 people were sent to the Belzec extermination camp from March 17 to April 11, 1942. Others were sent to another concentration camp in Majdanek. Many sent to these camps had a one-way trip.

On July 24, 1944, about two years later, was the liberation of Lublin from German control, and Russia retook the area with the Polish Committee of National Liberation established. This Nazi bunker destroyed in 1944 by the Soviets is crucial to local history.
