FDA Issues Nationwide Recall of Kimchi Products After Samples Were Found to Have Listeria Contamination

FDA Issues Nationwide Recall of Kimchi Products After Samples Find Listeria Contamination
FDA Issues Nationwide Recall of Kimchi Products After Samples Find Listeria Contamination Portuguese Gravity/ Unsplash

Because of a possible Listeria monocytogenes infection, 5000 Years Foods Inc. of Chicago is recalling some kimchi products.

The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) detected Listeria monocytogenes in the production facility of 5000 Years Foods Inc., which prompted FDA to conduct a recall. The recalled products were initially sold in Illinois before being distributed to retail shops across the country.

What Kimchi products are recalled over Listeria contamination?

After finding the problem while sampling in a Chicago plant, the FDA issued a recall on July 14. 5000 Years Foods delivered their cabbage kimchi to various retail outlets and clients across the country. Here are the 5000 Years Foods products recalled due to possible Listeria contamination:

  • Sliced Cabbage Kimchi

  • Whole Cabbage

  • No MSG Julrado Sliced Cabbage Kimchi

  • White Kimchi, Julrado Sliced Cabbage Kimchi

  • Kimchi, Julrado Whole Cabbage Kimchi

  • No MSG Whole Cabbage

  • No MSG Sliced Cabbage Kimchi

  • No MSG Julrado Whole Cabbage Kimchi

  • Baby Napa Kimchi

The products in question were marketed in five-gallon plastic tubs with sizes of 128 ounces, 64 ounces, 32 ounces, and 16 ounces.

The issue was discovered during the FDA sampling, which revealed Listeria monocytogenes at the manufacturing plant. The business stated, "We, 5000 Years Foods, Inc., corrected all actions via FDA guidelines and we are waiting for the environmental test result from a licensed laboratory."

Per Yahoo, the items with code numbers 09052021 through 09252021, which may be found printed on the top of the lid, are included in the recall. A range of 5000 Years Foods items are offered, including sliced cabbage kimchi, whole cabbage kimchi, and baby napa kimchi.

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Listeria infection: What to know?

In small children, frail or elderly people, and others with weaker immune systems, Listeria monocytogenes can cause serious and even deadly infections, WGN Radio reported. Although healthy people may only have short-term symptoms such as a high temperature, severe headache, stiffness, nausea, stomach discomfort, and diarrhea.

Pregnant women, the elderly, young children, and those with weaker immune systems, such as cancer patients, are more vulnerable to serious diseases, life-threatening infections, and other problems. Although infected pregnant women may only have minor flu-like symptoms, their infections can result in preterm labor, neonatal illness, or stillbirth.

Listeria monocytogenes-contaminated food may not seem or smell rotten, yet it can still cause serious and occasionally fatal illnesses. Anyone who has consumed any of the recalled items and has experienced signs of Listeria infection should seek medical attention and inform his/her doctor about the probable exposure to Listeria.

Also, anyone who has eaten any of the recalled goods should keep an eye out for symptoms in the coming weeks, since signs of listeriosis can take up to 70 days to appear after exposure to Listeria.

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention said around 1,600 individuals with listeriosis each year, with about 260 dying. The FDA said no illnesses had been recorded at the time of the warning.

According to the Miami Herald, consumers who bought the recalled items should not eat them and should dispose of them or return them to the store where they were acquired for a refund. Consumers can call the firm at 1-773-509-8600 if they have any queries from Monday to Friday, 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.

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FDA, Recall, Listeria