On Wednesday night, President Joe Biden appeared to lose his line of thought while addressing a half-empty CNN town hall. When presenter Don Lemon questioned when children under the age of 12 will be allowed to be vaccinated, the commander in chief, who is notorious for his high-profile gaffes, committed an error.
At his CNN town hall on Wednesday night, President Joe Biden fumbled and stammered his way through certain questions, eliciting raised eyebrows from journalists and ridicule from opponents. Biden was also chastised by Twitter users for a distressing video in which he struggled to respond to a question from moderator Don Lemon.
Viewers distracted over Joe Biden's gaffes
During a press conference, President Joe Biden seemed to make many mistakes. The President appeared to overstate the effectiveness of coronavirus vaccinations during a CNN town hall gathering in Cincinnati. The President also lost his line of thought during the conversation.
The President stated, most notably, that obtaining the Covid-19 vaccination would prevent Americans from becoming sick with the virus. While the vaccines improve the likelihood of avoiding Covid-19, they do not provide 100 percent protection.
Despite the President's many gaffes, Joe Biden and his administration have maintained that he is in good health. In the early stages of his presidential campaign, Biden agreed to test; and he passed.
A health examination by specialists at George Washington University in December 2019 classified him as "healthy" and "vigorous" before he became president. Biden has, likewise, been open about his stuttering difficulties and has been lauded for his commitment to conquering the problem, as per Daily Express.
Biden had a large town hall meeting at Mount St. Joseph University in Cincinnati, Ohio. Many people on Twitter were taken aback by the unusual interaction, including Donald Trump Jr., Biden's eldest son.
Is The White House planning on having this removed from social media for spreading misinformation? There are plenty of examples of vaccinated people who have still gotten COVID!
— Donald Trump Jr. (@DonaldJTrumpJr) July 22, 2021
FOLLOW THE SCIENCE!!!! https://t.co/UwBtf4C85v
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Biden speaks in a half-empty town hall
Per The Sun, it arrived as concerns about the COVID-19 delta variant grew and as the economy was still recovering from the pandemic. The room was virtually empty although the transmission of the event showed a full, non-distanced crowd filling the front rows in a stunning display of normalcy. "What the Biden CNN town hall looks like from the back of the auditorium," tweeted Bloomberg News reporter Jennifer Epstein. Because of favorable pictures that appeared to depict a full, non-distanced audience crowding the front rows - in a dramatic visual demonstration of normalcy after more than a year of Covid-19 restrictions - the more than a dozen vacant rows were not visible to television viewers.
What the Biden CNN town hall looks like from the back of the auditorium: pic.twitter.com/juUehd7PDu
— Jennifer Epstein (@jeneps) July 22, 2021
Members of the traveling White House press pool, on the other hand, provided photographs from the rear of the room, indicating that the venue was not nearly as full as it appeared. The radio pool reporter for the trip, Voice of America reporter Steve Herman, tweeted a similar photograph showing the back of the auditorium empty.
Herman also shared a video that showed additional viewpoints where fans were missing from their seats. Biden's attempt to convey optimism in defeating the Covid-19 pandemic, particularly his claim that "this is not a pandemic," was at odds with the sight of empty seats. It's unclear whether the room was only half-full owing to fear of the virus or a lack of public interest.
"This was a regular crowd size for a CNN town hall," CNN spokesperson Lauren Pratapas told NY Post. She didn't go into detail on why the gathering was so small. During last year's presidential campaign, former President Donald Trump criticized Biden for drawing tiny crowds - even before the pandemic - compared to his rallies, which drew tens of thousands of enraged supporters.
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