
China Savaged for 'Hiding Behind Covid Fog' to Pursue Aggressive Military Agenda

While the world suffered the pandemic, China advanced its military while the world was all in confusion. At this time, it was apparent the Chinese Communist Party(CCP) will exploit anything to forge ahead at the expense of other nations.

The People Republic of China (PRC) has been severely critiqued for how it used the pandemic to actively occupy and fortify its position in the South China Sea, said Tory MP and Chair of the House of Commons Defence Select Committee Tobias Ellwood.

In an interview given, Elwood made several statements concerning China. It should be mature as a nation, strive to be part of a community of nations, not separate.

China needs to assess itself

The MP stresses that in the pandemic, the CCP has acted against the interest of nations but documented its activities. Elwood said those actions are serious, and countries need to think hard about how their actions impacted the world, reported the Express UK.

When concern over the virus is tantamount, the Chinese kept their aggression constant against all international nations-keeping it belligerency in the SCS in particular, almost turning the region into a flashpoint.

Instead of keeping with other nations in peaceful dialogue, Beijing has resorted to vile threats against countries standing against their coercion.

Notable is the Trump administration that used the US Navy to engage the People's Liberation Army, which the current administration is doing. But on the flipside is Taiwan and Australia, which are smaller nations threatened with military force for denouncing Beijing.

The Member of Parliament (MP) stressed the pandemic revealed the true face of China and is realizing how wrong their approach has been. But, the CCP has become influential in short, and China advanced its military, which makes it harder to do anything now during the COVID-19 pandemic.

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Barefaced lies

One of the worst infractions is that they are the sources and tried to hide it in the early days from everyone. They used the pandemic as a screen to hide and distract from their true purpose.

A criticism about China's path is that it wants to be a more powerful nation than all the countries combined. It wants to dominate and rule rather than co-exist with the world.

There might be a chance that Beijing will be more mature in its actions and be globally responsible. That means it will follow all international laws and conventions, not go against them like now.

Communists are trying to force change on the world and are willing to flout it to advance nations.

One example is the takeover of Hong Kong and its oppression, how the Uyghurs are treated like slaves, and worse is control and monitoring of its citizens who are not free.

All that is nothing compared to its efforts to control weaker countries via a strong military as its enforcer. Next, attempting to rule the technological and economic factors to complete everything.

Elwood said that sanctions could be done if it does not cease; trade is important for China. Without it, it will have economic troubles.

The MP said China advanced its military during COVID-19, but it needs trade to keep the Yuan healthy. This will be a cold war about trading.

How can Beijing keep friends willing to trade if the world rejects it? It has many mouths to feed as well. They need to look at Russia who is more independent and autonomous, unlike China. He added that the world could affect China's economy by taking advantage of its aggression too.

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China, South China Sea
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