Ancient Roman Armory Dating Back to 100 B.C. Discovered in Son Catlar, Spain

Researchers at an excavation site in Son Catlar came across an ancient Roman armory of weapons. They suspect Romans used the weapons for offensive purposes as they were active in the area where hostilities were going on with the locals.

They found the ancient Talayotic settlement in Menorca, Spain, where the artifacts were dated at 100 B.C. (Before Christ) in the later part of July. Included in this discovery were primary weapons of war, knives, arrowheads, projectiles, spearheads, a tool for ancient surgery, with bronze spatula tool, said a statement from Alicante University.

The Story Behind Son Catlar

Thought to be one of the biggest Talayotic settlements, Son Catlar, found in Menorca, Spain , has a 2,850 feet long stone wall that encircles it, noted the Heritage Daily.

Scholars say the Talayotic culture experience an invasion from Romans in their late period, between 2,000 B.C. and 1,200 B.C but came to an end in 476 A.D., remarked researchers.

The stone barrier there is believed was not made by Romans but erected earlier, specifically in the 5th to 4th century B.C., noted the Spanish paper La Vanguardia.

An idea shared by the scientists is that Roman soldiers who subjugated the locals in the 2nd century B.C. were very superstitious about the structure. Romans must have likened it to the stone wall to Janus, God of doors, and the soldiers did believe it.

It was a gate used as a defense strategy to avoid a possible siege by Legions, remarked the investigators. This belief preserved the an ancient Roman armory of the weapons was discovered recently by archeologists.

Soldiers of the Legion are steeped in superstition and did rites themselves. Believing a gate can hold supernatural power over people, even city gates were sacred with rituals charging them with abilities.

According to Fernando Prados, researcher at the University of Alicante Institute for Research in Archaeology and Historical Heritage (INAPH), it was why the Son Catlar was not ruined, and the Romans feared harm to themselves if they did. In some cases, they would do something to keep evil from entering, like some shamanistic practices in other cultures.

He added keeping the perimeter wall intact at the Talayotic settlement is very important presents some interesting ideas to explore. Why did the locals do such a thing in conflict and war? Also, they preyed on the superstition of the invading Romans too.

The Ancient Armory Revealed Romans Victory During the Punic Wars

The Punic Wars were a series of campaigns that Rome fought against Carthage, the Great Carthaginian general was Hannibal, but the Roman empire won eventually.

Talayots are boxes and towers which give the area its name, said the World Heritage Convention. Construction was done with cyclonic masonry, which means no mortar used but blocks only.

Later the Romans learned how to bolster the already sturdy walls while waging the Punic wars in Menorca.

These wars were fought in 264 to 164 B.C. by the Roman Empire to expand its territory, and it conquered the know civilization then. From that time on, the artifacts have been surfacing recently in several excavations.

During 2013, scientists were able to locate more treasure left by the roving legions in their wars, primarily the very First Punic War.

Many of these ancient items varied as they had helmets, arms of the time, and an archaic bronze battle ram discovered along a coast in Sicily. It was recognized as used in the first-ever Punic War fought by Rome.

Finding items from an ancient Roman armory offers a look back in the history of Archaic Rome before it fell. These were weapons used by the locals to fight the Roman legions, who eventually left after the decline of the Roman Empire.