The Sloth Bear mainly lives in India and has taken its fair share of people who crossed its nasty side. Sloth may not be an appropriate description when many regret underestimating this omnivore and have takeaways to be reminded of it.
They are bears that act as nature meant them to be, mean and nasty compared to the Grizzly or Polar Bear. Sloth bears are behind the reports of ripped flesh, and some victims even getting eaten.
Sometimes a few less inclined people will take it. The sloth in the name depicts how it looks, shaggy and unkempt, but its behavior is just the opposite. Large paws and teeth with powerful jaws even make other wild animals avoid.
Fatalities of Sloth Bear Attacks
Many have found that these are agile animals and can run fast and sometimes hurt humans when surprised. But many survivors agree that they could have avoided injuries if they knew better, reported the Sun UK.
Even big cats like tigers, known to be man-eaters, would not tangle with their sharps. Many of the encounters with this animal happen in the South Asian Forests.
One characteristic of this misleading mammal is that it exudes fierceness, and it will not back down under any circumstances.
One report said that Jube Valanti Adveppache, 58, had fought one of these animals for 180-minutes, and had his face ripped by the bear's claws. He suffered horrendous injuries from the encounter with the Indian sloth bear, cited Tassco Org.
Although he was suffering from severe injuries, he managed to walk for miles to have medical attention.
According to reports, he was a mushroom grower in the field and working at the time when the animal assaulted him. The vile beast left him when it thought he was already dead and went back to the forest in Haliyal, Karnataka State.
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In the forests of Odisha, on the eastern coast of India, locals reported another incident involving sloth bears.
Prabhu Bhatara, an Indian driver, went out of his vehicle to photograph the bear despite warnings. Bhatara thought the animal was hurt. When going closer, he slipped on something then was attacked unexpectedly by the bear, said the local media.
Man attacked by sloth bear in Nilgiris
Others took videos showing his slow death getting ripped to shreds. The man tried to get away but was bitten and scratched by the bear.
Sloth Bear Runs Amok in a Village
One of these bears brought fear to an Indian village when it brought havoc early in the morning. A 350 -pound beast had mauled four villagers in the area near the forest close to the residences, noted News Logics.
Later, parents were terrified for their kid's safety and rushed to keep them indoors while the danger existed. One video showed the locals getting panicked by the threat, trying to find the rogue bear.
Some people found the bear near a bank and chased it to the forests.
One of the worst deaths happened in Madhugiri in Karnataka state. Somanna, 45, an Indian farmer who was slain and snacked on by the bear. He encountered a bear on his property and tried to kill it with a machete.
Somanna thought he could kill him, but he instead got ripped and partly eaten by the Indian Sloth Bear. Locals came to save him by throwing stones to scare the bear away. The bear then attacks the crowd but was put down when the police shot it.
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