The "Hall of Presidents" attraction at Walt Disney World Resort reopened on Wednesday with a new addition of animatronic Joe Biden. The 46th President of the United States joined the other figures.
While many guests found the Democrat's animatronic creepy, it had a similar structure to all that came before it. It also moved to a recording of Biden's "Corn Pop" campaign trail story as guests looked on.
Disney World Animatronic
Disney World officials replaced former President Donald Trump's figure with the new Biden animatronic. They put the Republican's figure in the back row of the presentation where some users noticed it was put next to the animatronic of Andrew Jackson. The seventh President of the United States was a highly controversial figure who was the architect of the Trail of Tears.
Some online users found the appropriateness of the decision and took to social media platform Twitter to share their thoughts. One user said they loved the Trump figure getting the side-eye in his new position in the back row of the presentation, the San Francisco Gate reported.
Former President Trump has also expressed his admiration of Jackson's populism and combativeness. The Republican also put up a portrait of the seventh president of the United States in the Oval Office during his presidency.
A crowd was invited to watch the "soft opening" of the attraction on Tuesday, which acted as a rehearsal for the actual opening. The schedule of the attraction is scheduled from 9:00 a.m. to 10:00 p.m, Orlando Sentinel reported.
A highlight reel was also presented during the attraction's opening which was missing Trump's appearance. The recording was played before the animatronics began to move and be displayed in front of the audience.
Four of the presidents in the history of the United States were not present in the video, including Trump, Richard Nixon, Gerald Ford, and George H.W. Bush. Some argue that this was due to the Republican not having any memorable moment or speech worthy of being included in the footage.
Recording of Speeches
Democrat Biden recorded the speech that his animatronic spoke out during the attraction in the White House. "I, Joseph Robinette Biden Jr., do solemnly swear. That I will faithfully execute the office of president of the United States," the animatronic began with.
Every single one of the presidents included in the attraction since Bill Clinton's presidency have recorded speeches for their figures to play. The attraction also reportedly included "decorative spikes" when it reopened after Trump was elected in 2016 to keep the figures of the presidents safe, the New York Daily News reported.
The presentation also included famous speeches in the history of the United States, such as Bill Clinton's Oklahoma City bombing eulogy, Ronald Reagan's "tear down this wall," or George W. Bush's speech after the events of the September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks that killed an estimated 2,977 people when a series of four orchestrated attacks assaulted the World Trade Center towers.
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