HMS Queen Elizabeth Battle Group Detects Noisy Chinese Submarines Trying to Stalk the Battlegroup on Orders of Beijing

After reprisals from China's Xi Jinping, the HMS Queen Elizabeth battle group detected Chinese submarines trailing the multi-national task group. The appearance of the British carrier taking the slack for the US means the Peoples Liberation Army (PLA) fights on all fronts, especially as it isolates Taiwan from Allied help.

Attempts to stealthily creep on the British aircraft carrier have failed, as Chinese submarines were not that silent as the great ship entered the Pacific.

The success of vessels not getting detected cruising in the depths of the sea is how it keeps running quietly.

British Frigates 'pinged' Chinese Subs Shadowing the HMS Queen Elizabeth

Anti-submarine sonar specialists, in defense of the Carrier Strike Group (CSG), located two 7,000-tonne Shang class missile submarines, reported the Express UK.

Equipped with advanced sonar, the ships HMS Kent and HMS Richmond were able to spot the two submarines in silent running as the group transitioned from the South China Sea to the Pacific Ocean.

It was expected that the People's Liberation Army Navy (PLAN) would shadow the Royal Navy. The Chinese stealthily running under by sonar was detected eventually.

Within six hours of leaving the South China Sea, frigates identified the contacts in the disputed areas where the PLA has artificial islands built.

A naval spokesperson said that the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) is increasing its sub forces, and ignoring these threats is inappropriate. But, the lack of experience compared to the Cold War battle hardiness gained by the UK and US sub forces is an advantage.

Beijing utilizes technology to monitor other navies in the region and using submersibles to coerce others. It is a move to become a dominant nation in this critical Pacific region that defies international law. But the HMS Queen Elizabeth battle group still steamed ahead even with the Chinese submarines in the background.

Chinese Boasts 2nd Gen Subs but are Not as Quiet as Russians

The PLAN is touting six new second-generation subs, like the Type 093 entered service in 2006, noted Naval News. The vessels can accommodate 85 crew on board, stay at sea for up to 80 days, and are armed with ship-killer missiles.

An Astute-class submarine of the Roya Navy detected a third Shang boat that went ahead of Queen Elizabeth, and it was still detected despite attempts to hide from ship sonar. Its attempt to run silently failed as the Brit submarine caught it sneaking.

Surface ships and submarines can be detected by the sound of motive propellers, especially subs with a signature sound. All these sounds are stored on the ship's computers.

It is a fact that China's force of 66 submarines exceeds the US and Royal Navy to control the Pacific and dominate it to keep those opposed to Beijing out. Part of the reason is to conquer Taiwan without foreign interference from the west and the Quad members.

Like the Cold War, the US Navy has detected loud PLAN submarines trailing US warships and spreading all over the Pacific.

The supercarrier USS Ronald Reagan in 2015 was shadowed by a Chinese Song class submarine in 2009. It came as close as five miles from the USS Kitty Hawk undetected.

Last night, Queen Elizabeth and its carrier group had stopped at Apra Harbor and the US Naval base in Guam. Sorties were planned for South Korea and Japan; however, the COVID 19 pandemic canceled it.

This group will separate when the HMS Richmond and Kent are going to Kyūshū and dock at the US Navy base in Sasebo.

According to former Rear Admiral Chris Parry, Russian boats are more of a concern because they are more advanced and quieter than the Chinese ones, cited Forbes.
