Putin plays hardball by holding Russian war games in the Arctic and close to Alaskan territory. After a US recon plane assisted British Destroyer HMS Defender, Moscow gives a tit for tat to the US they can do the same thing.
The Kremlin is not to be trifled with, is the message sent by getting close to US territory in Alaskan waters. At the same time, the US states that the Russian Federation has the upper hand in the Arctic.
Arctic waters focus on these superpowers as the contest who would be top dog in the frozen frontier, which has been ignored by the US military but not Russia.
Russia, US Tensions Escalates Amid Arctic Wargames
According to Pavel Devyatkin, an expert on the Arctic and part of the Arctic Institute (AI), the frozen region is getting warm from tensions between the two superpowers in 2020, reported the Express UK.
He described the situation as very unprecedented, with the clash over who will dominate. It comes after a hiatus of tension only recently experienced, after the re-emergence of a brewing clash that was only recently dormant.
More than 50 years ago, the Arctic was part of an interstate war so long in the Second World War.
Devyatkin said that having the Allied Navies practically in Russia's backyard, touching the Barents Sea so close to the eastern coasts of Russia, is a flashpoint that comes after the Cold War and distrust of the US intentions driving the Kremlin to action.
The Russian navy has conducted major war games near Alaska involving dozens of ships and aircraft, the biggest such drills in the area since the Soviet times. https://t.co/8L1zWbLHU3
— ABC News (@ABC) August 28, 2020
Putin does not take it lightly that the Allies coolly did what they wanted in the waters off Crimea. In his mind, Russia is at unease after the intrusion. These Russian war games in the Arctic is like a cat-taking a swipe, meant for the US.
Recently the US Air Force sent a flight of older B-1 Bones as a warning to Moscow. These bombers are temporarily in Norway after having finished their show of force, noted the Sun UK.
The analyst stated that the Russian Navy surprised America by having exercises so close to Alaskan waters. But, unfortunately, the current administration did not respond to the action.
It is the closest that any foreign navy has breached US territory in a long time. Putin is pushing the buttons of the Americans.
Conflict Between the Two Superpowers Unlikely to Break Out
It is the Last American Frontier, when the US bought it in 1867 when President Andrew Johnson got territory for the US, between Russia and Canada.
Much attention is on this cold frontier from Moscow and Washington with oil and gas reservoirs to help the US economy.
The Resource Development Council of Alaska said the state contribution to oil and gas is $2.7billion in 2019.
This is why Putin is keen on keeping its dominance in the Arctic as a global leader, which means reinforcing its military might.
The Navy Times has reported that Vice Admiral Andrew Lewis, America's Second Fleet Commander, reminded that laxness in keeping US presence in the Arctic would lead to an uncertain future there.
He added if the US failed, it would be controlled by Russia or maybe another player. But, Devyatkin said the concern was not a dire threat, and least likely, any fight would happen there.
Russian war games in the Arctic are like Putin nudging the US and reminding that things can get rougher if not too careful.