The cover up ends as liberal media turns on 'Sleepy Joe" for the disgraceful performance in Afghanistan. This has awakened President Joe Biden as he has done everything wrong from the start, but the media covered up for him. Now, he has lost cover, and both liberals and conservatives are targeting him.
For many months, there was doubt if he could handle the situation and his predecessor, but all the problems that follow increased notions that he's not up to it.
The problems over the last week further earned him the nickname 'Sleepy Joe.' He was forced to stay in the White House, not his Delaware residence, on the weekend.
Afghanistan's Fall was Biden's FUBAR moment
Instead of hunkering down to deal with the worst American crisis, he remained silent and was not in contact with other leaders till Tuesday. Letting the critical moments spiral out of control on his watch, which in the minds of Americans is an utter disgrace, reported the Daily Mail.
There was a report that critical memos were coming in from the State Department last Friday, warning about the rapid takeover. Staying in Camp David, he stayed complacent, as if there was no urgency on his part.
One of his aides said that Biden's FUBAR (military term) moment, F**** Up Beyond Any Recognition, went from bad to messed up. In short, he was clueless. Without the press to cover up for him, the liberal media turns on 'Sleepy Joe' flip-flopping all over.
A panicked White House was on damage control that the commander in chief could not catch up on the events. While, an interview with ABC's George Stephanopoulos was useless and failed, made him look worse, noted Business Insider.
The White House posted one bizarre photo of the president alone in the meeting room, just staring at the screens.
Read Also : British Broadcaster Nigel Farage Not Happy With Joe Biden Ignoring Calls of Boris Johnson Amid Afghan Crisis
The New York Post published a scorching reaction to the puny attempt to save the situation. Remarked that it is his defining image as the only President of the US at its worst self-inflicted not by enemies. His appearance looked like the unfortunate leader, with no advisers in the room in the photo posted.
A photograph showed how the Taliban disregards Biden's competence, that Donald Trump mockingly called him, and hoped his opponent could do well in 2020. Well, he did but not by having a regular campaign.
Salvaging the POTUS flagging image
The president likes to go to his residence in Delaware on weekends, but the problem was too great, so he canceled it. Biden has only been in office for seven months, but it has been a train wreck in his every decision, from the border, election reform laws, covid. Now, even his party might be having second thoughts about his competence.
Many of his supporters and allies think that Joe Biden has lost control of the account, making him a hot potato for his handlers to keep the lousy press away.
Many have suspected the White House media is covering up for Biden for a long time now. One White House speechwriter complained this month that Biden needs a written cue every time or else he will not remember. His predecessor challenged him to take a cognitive test that Trump passed with a 100 percent on board, noting his critics.
The middle eastern Afghan crisis just hit the fan while he is in office. Now liberal media turns on 'Sleepy Joe', and vacation is over. With the GOP members even asked to resign, what could be the next for him?
Related Article: Joe Biden Ignores Classified State Department Memo on Rapid Taliban Takeover, Denies He Screwed Up