Reports say that President Joe Biden refuses military advice that his commanders, officials, and advisers are offering after shaming the US in the world's eyes. Even as he is held hostage by his many errors, he refuses to admit he cannot handle being the president.
Biden does not heed advised to extend evacuation deadline
Arlene Foster, ex-DUP leader to GB News, said that Biden is unrealistic and denies the mess he created. Kabul is now where the Taliban are holding hostage foreigners and Afghans.
A report states that even the White House staff would not dare question his decisions, which led to a mess that causes EU allies into immense trouble.
Ms. Foster stressed that getting everyone out of Kabul is challenging, since the taking of Kabul Jihadis kept civilians around and very few got out, reported the Express UK.
UK defense secretary Ben Wallace grimly said not everyone would be going out of captivity. He added it was terrible that a choice will have to be made. He said that President Biden had created this situation by not following a practical plan to leave Afghanistan. Calling the US leader to think what to do with good advice.
Wallace scoured that Biden, despite his monumental blundering, is still not getting advice from US commanders, and the US is sinking its reputation.When Biden refused military advice and got it all wrong.
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Impossible to get 60,000 people out by August end
Sources in the White House were privy to the flailing Joe Biden that warning of an impending Taliban takeover was denied. Leaving US citizens and allied nationals hung to dry and a military tied by the decisions of an incompetent US leader, noted TW News.
Biden is in denial that he failed his job on all points. He is stubborn and defensive as everyone vilifies how foolish he is for handing Kabul to the Jihadis on a silver platter.
Republicans are bashing him for the self-inflicted problems brought about by his incompetence. All the assessments and warnings from the military and intelligence community were ignored, given a red carpet for Trump to insult all his grievous errors.
US diplomats in Kabul sent a memo for the president last month, calling Secretary of State Antony Blinken's attention that anytime Afghanistan may fall, cited Fox News. More than a dozen consuls signed the crucial memo last July to move out US citizens and assets by early August.
This came as the allies asked the US not to leave abruptly and extend the August 31 deadline a bit longer. He failed to consider some factors which his predecessor outlined, start with civilians, not the military, which he did to look good but looked terrible either way. ISIS is a danger to the people in Kabul, and they are ruthless to all trying to leave the airport.
Wallace said the countdown to end the UK's military occupation could not be stopped. Furthermore, the EU foreign policy chief Josep Borrell stated that getting 60,000 people from Kabul is impossible by the month's end.
Former President Donald Trump called Joe Biden the greatest bungler who sat in the White House. He gave the US its worst military defeat of all time. Biden surrendered unconditionally, not withdrew, as refuses military advice as he fails every step of the way.