Japan and Taiwan hold talks on security, referring to China's aggressiveness in the South China Sea. Both countries are worried about what could happen if Beijing makes good on its threats to invade the Republic of China (ROC).
Both countries are going to hold bilateral talks that are getting China's undivided attention. This comes as the perception of the US is laid low in Kabul. With Beijing blaring to US allies that they are on their own. It is a decidedly risky move for both nations.
China is Not Pleased
Professor David Roberts, a professor at King's College in London, whose specialty is security, foreign policy, and politics, calls it poking the bear, which is China. Talks will be on Friday with the top of the two countries, reported the Express UK in a first-ever bi-lateral talk.
According to Masahisa Sato, a lawmaker for Japan's ruling Liberal Democratic Party that handles foreign affairs, further dialogue is needed because Taiwan's destiny significantly impacts Japan's security and economy, noted in the Financial Times.
Sato added everything that happens next would hinge on Taiwan, making the talks very crucial. It will be done online too.
Aspects of the meeting were discussed after the Singapore visit of the US vice-president Kamala Harris. She weighed in on the way that China has treated its neighbors, but she was rebuked. She said that China uses force and intimidation to secure the South China Sea as their, despite protests against them. Japan and Taiwan hold talks to discuss its impact on them further.
Then explaining the unlawfulness of the PLA in its presents, vainly trying to project the US as still in control, but the Biden-Harris administration is not on solid ground. Sato made it clear the LDP will want higher talks to be held next time with Taiwan at a higher level in the future, cited Eminetra.
Japan Steps In
Bilateral talks between the Japanese and Taiwanese military officials come after Washington and Tokyo need to get ready if China attacks Taiwan.
Based on a published white paper that cites that Taiwan security is connected to Tokyo's, that is much evident. With another Japanese lawmaker, Taku Osaka, Mr. Sato will represent Japan in the virtual talks with Taiwan's Democratic Progressive Party.
Mr. Sato has suggested cooperative training in a natural catastrophe and marine disaster search and rescue as a method to improve ties with Taiwan while maintaining Tokyo's long-standing policy of not forging a direct military relationship with Taipei.
Taiwanese politicians have expressed their gratitude for Japan's added focus on the danger to their country. He explains that Taipei has long felt that increased communication between Japan is essential, especially on security issues.
Adding it is like that all four are members of parliament and like a track one dialogue. China told Japan to stay out of its affairs. The Chinese spokeswoman Hua Chunying said that China forbids any interaction with other countries. Japan and Taiwan hold talks on China and its threat to both nations and the South China Sea.
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