A frantic mom hits the mountain lion hard when it attempts to drag away her young son. Her effort to save her son bothered the beast, which made it let go of the child.
In an unexpected ambush, the big cat saw an opportunity to attack and drag a woman's five-year-old son at about 45-yards away. The alarm of seeing the predator carrying away the child brought a drive of adrenalin that made her strike the vile animal hard enough to make it let go.
A child nearly got eaten by a wild mountain lion
One mountain lion almost killed a child in Calabasas, outside the family home, but a furious mother stopped it, reported the Express UK.
It was on Thursday when it happened while the child was playing alone. Then was dragged unwittingly, said Patrick Foy of the California Department of Fish and Wildlife. The boy's mother just jumped with no fear for her safety, hit the animal with her bare fists out of fear for the child, added Foy.
After the aborted attempt to kill its intended prey, the animal escaped and was located and tracked by a wildlife officer who killed the man-eating predator as a precaution. No time was wasted when the parent's called the agency dealing with the animal attack, sending the child to the nearest medical institution. The mountain lion inflicted injuries suffered by the young boy on his head and upper torso but is stable. The frantic mom hits the mountain lion hard to save her child, or worse can happen.
After the attack occurred, two more of the big cats were seen. This, according to the wildlife officers, suggested the one who attacked is a younger animal. The two that appeared later are more mature ones, cited the Ladbible.
The statement released by the department stated that how the animal behaved and how closed it was to human habitation had prompted the officer to track and kill it. Such animals are a danger to the public. Foy said the officer saw it acting hostile and decided to kill the animal. Later the animal's DNA was checked if it was the one responsible for the attack, noted USA Today.
Another lion was captured and tranquilized from the suspected area. Results from DNA testing show it was not the one that attacked and was released later to the wild by the agency.
Many disagree with the shooting of the animal
Foy said that many are furious at the slaying of the suspected predator, which nearly killed the boy, he told the Los Angeles Times. He defended that the euthanizing of the mountain lion was warranted because it tried to kill the boy and devour him.
Many ignorant public members do not even know that these predators will feed on humans if given an opportunity. The first mountain lion attack on a person in the L.A. area was 25 years ago, said the California Department of Fish and Wildlife.
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