
Headless Goats Floating in Chattahoochee River Suspected as Sacrifices in Bizarre Activity

Headless Goats Floating in Chattahoochee River Suspected as Sacrifices in Bizarre Voodoo Cult Activity
BeThe Observer/ Pexels

Many headless goats floating in Chattahoochee River, Georgia, numbering as many as 200 hundred, have been found. Some speculate it is part of some cult doing its eccentric activities related to a kind of voodoo.

The Georgia police are investigating who is responsible for the headless goats, which is freaking out everyone.

Probing into the mystery of these horrible activities has revealed that the anomalous activity is related to Santeria, a derivative of voodoo and Catholicism. Included in these activities are slaying of animals as a rite.

Dead goats floating in Chattahoochee River

It isn't comforting to find goats beheaded which have been cropping up in the Chattahoochee River for some time. Jason Ulseth, an environmentalist, reports that there have been about 30 goats floating in the river daily in the past weeks, reported the Daily Star.

He added there are even seen more than once floating the river on different occasions.

Speaking to Channel 2 Action News saying the frequency of the headless goat is increasing and getting to be a nuisance.

He added the past few years, which has been happening a lot, stating seeing about several. Though on this particular occasion, it was 20 to 30 headless goat torsos.

Until now, the cult has been secretive in their weird activities, keeping them unobserved by others. It changed, and these occult sacrifices, even seen in the light of day, noted MYGH Online.

On one occasion, some recorded an individual who was caught red-handed throwing a carcass into the river. It showed a torso of the animal getting splash when striking the water. The headless goats floating in a river are seen more.

The anonymous individual claims the carcasses hurled from the bridge either night or day without any exception. Whoever did the throwing was not yet identified.

Beheaded goats linked to Santeria worship

This kind of worship is considered bizarre since the rites are odd in combining Christianity and aspects of West African beliefs.

To the layman, this would be on the mumbo-jumbo religion whose rites are unbelievable, especially with sacrifice connected to the darker side of rituals.

In an interview with Channel 2, an anonymous practitioner of the unique religion said they use male goats to celebrate success and female goats for babies and blessings.

So far, the local police department has not planned any probe of the Santeria worshippers or the eccentric sacrifices. Still, it does concern Ulseth though nothing seems to be illegal.

He added that all the goats killed for the rites came from somewhere. Still, it is unknown who buys these goats, where they are raised, or even how those doing the rituals got to the river.

So far, three local law enforcement is waiting for any request from locals to do something about the headless goats floating in the Chattahoochee River. The Georgia State Patrol and Fulton County Police have not gotten reports, the same with Cobb County Police.

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