Ex-White House Adviser Calls On the Military Leaders Who Caused the Afghanistan Debacle Discrediting America’s Reputation

Ex-White House Adviser Calls On the Military Leaders Who Caused the Afghanistan Debacle Discrediting America’s Reputation
Retired Lt. Gen. Keith Kellogg, National Security Advisor to Vice President Mike Pence, speaks during a press briefing at the White House on September 22, 2020 in Washington, DC. Drew Angerer/Getty Images

The Democrat president allegedly prioritizes his public image, and his military commanders did not do their jobs. White House ex-national security adviser said the military should not allow incompetent leaders to stay and ask how they can fail the withdrawal and evacuation at the same time.

Biden failed to protect US interests

Last Thursday, the Washington Examiner interviewed with retired Army Lt. Gen. Keith Kellogg, who used to be the adviser of former President Donald Trump and Vice-President Mike Pence. Citing that military strategist made errors and said those mistakes sank the US army in such a short time.

Kellog did not directly point at Joint Chiefs of Staff Chairman Gen. Mark Milley, who helped in the Trump administration's withdrawal plan and negotiations with the Taliban. He said that heads should roll and be held to account for the failure, reported Newsmax. Kellog argued that the administration could fail the mission in keeping the Mullahs in place.

This terror group lacked artillery fire support, with no air or logistics to supply the critical forces. Furthermore, he questioned how did they defeat the 20 years of US presence. It prompts who made the wrong decisions there, who must pay for the disaster, said the Ex-White House adviser.

It impacts the generals of the US military with the three- or four-star rank that should be looked into. He then remarked how those tasked with the Afghan occupations would ask where did everything go wrong.

Kellog said that Secretary of Defense Loyd Austin was his subordinate two times, and Mark Miley was under him in the White House, as chief of staff or chairman of the Joint Chief. He added his comments were not meant to free them of blame.

Biden's leadership must be held accountable

All the responsibility for the devastatingly spectacular missteps was on Joe Biden, who tried to spin his way but said he followed their advice to leave Bagram Air Base. But he said that the president could have silenced Miley even after he made his views clear. Furthermore, the Afghanistan withdrawal was designed as a September 11 photo op, said House Minority Leader Rep-Kevin McCarthy, noted Fox News.

He added that Biden decided on the declarations of his advisers, who must account for the error. Though, others think the president carries the brunt of the decision.

One of his fears is that the pullout and insufficient evacuation will be wrong on the veterans who bled and lost a lot in the service of their country. The bad image of the US will be the cause of the demoralization of many. Saying these veterans have dispensed their duty to serve, which should be highlighted not the terrible pullout orchestrated by the administration.

Ex-White House Adviser Kellog sternly mentioned if those who failed at top miserable are allowed to spin and avoid accountability for the Afghan debacle. It will be another alleged attempt of the current administration's wanting a way out of this dishonorable stain on the US, costing money and lives.

Joe Biden
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