DMX, George Zimmerman to Fight in Celebrity Boxing Match; Rapper Vows to Break Every Rule

In another attempt to remain in the spotlight George Zimmerman announced that he wanted to do a celebrity boxing match. He broke the news to Radar Online last month, telling the site that prior to the "incident" he had started boxing and decided to get back into it.

The "incident" Zimmerman refers to is the February 2012 encounter that resulted in the death of 17-year-old Trayvon Martin. Zimmerman stood trial for the shooting but was acquitted of murder.

"Prior to the incident I was actually going to the gym for weight loss and doing boxing-type training for weight loss and a mutual friend put me in contact with Damon [Feldman] and provided me with an opportunity and motivation to get back in shape and continue with my weight loss goals and also be able to help a charity out," he said.

Damon Feldman, celebrity boxing founder, arranged the boxing match telling Radar that he received over 5,000 emails the first day the announcement was made. According to CNN, out of more than 15,000 responses, he picked rapper DMX.

"The match will be one of the Biggest Celebrity Boxing matches of all time," his press release said, CNN reports.

The 43-year-old rapper had previously told TMZ that he wanted to "beat the living f**k out of" Zimmerman in the ring.

"I am breaking every rule in boxing to make sure I f**k him right up," he said.

Zimmerman said the money he makes from doing the fight will be donated to a charity that rescues animals but he didn't want to reveal which one out of fear that the business would get too much negative attention.

"I'd love to tell you [the charity] but unfortunately there's so much animosity still from people out there, that if I name the charity now they would get bombarded with negativity, so I'd rather not say," he said.

When and where the boxing match will take place will be announced next week in a press conference.