Joe Biden Mentions Visiting the Tree of Life Synagogue After a Tragedy; White House Debunks False Claim

Joe Biden’s Says He Visited the Tree of Life Synagogue Compromises White House Caught Flat Footed in Changing the Narrative
Jeff Swensen/Getty Images

The White House is spinning facts about Joe Biden's recent statement that he went to the Tree of Life Synagogue, adding to the criticisms heaped after the Afghan debacle. Members of the White House are afraid of the fallout from another of the blunders committed in the past.

Questionable media have covered up all the inaccuracies and his alleged tall tales. The White House staffers now stop it from getting magnified by critics having a field day.

It seems that the ex-VP's statement set off damage control to keep the issue out of the limelight, with sinking approval numbers which are alarming to his alleged handlers.

Tall tales that may not be true

Biden claimed he visited the place where an Anti-Semitic terror attack happened and talked to the people involved, which actually never happened. Many call this habit of his questionable and not too honest, reported Express UK.

Based on the alleged report, the president talked to Jewish leaders a week ago, wherein he added spending time at the Tree of Life Synagogue in Pittsburgh. It is where 11 people were shot dead and with six surviving the gunman's murder spree. Among those killed ironically are several who survived the death camps, only to be gunned down cruelly on October 28, 2018. Joe Biden's claim about the Tree of Life Synagogue was not actual, caught in his alleged tales.

The White House's communication specialists are set to spin what their commander in chief said to keep it from spiraling madly. They are changing the facts from visiting the synagogue to calling the Rabbi responsible for the institution instead, criticized the Times of Israel.

A phone call contradicts the spin of the White House in the 16-minute call with leaders before the celebration of two Jewish holidays, Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur, this week. He mentions in an embellishment that he visited the Jewish synagogue after the attack. Biden said during the convo that he recalled having spent time in the ill-fated synagogue, which the administration is remaking into another narrative.

The White House was rebutted

But the synagogue's executive director, Barb Feige, told the New York Post on Thursday that President Biden did not visit.This revelation forced the administration's spin doctors to admit their attempt to reframe the facts, which did not point to Biden's too conflicted recollections. Instead, a patchy answer to a report mentioned it was a call with the Jewish religious head of the Tree of Life rabbi in 2019.

Compared to the barefaced misled statement made by Biden, it was former President Donald Trump who went there three days after the deadly attack. It was appreciated by the Jewish community, while the Democratic left had nothing good to say. Soon after the president's claims, another Tree of Life Rabbi Hazzan Jeffrey Myers, said that Biden called him after the happening.

Myers added that he got the call on the mobile while at Dulles Airport waiting for a plane to Pittsburg in 2019, after testifying in the lower house that same year. Joe Biden's claims were the White House spin caught in one of his embellishments, even disputed by the Rabbi there.

Joe Biden
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