Joe Biden's first year in the White House has been challenging, with the COVID-19 pandemic still raging in the United States and the US President's popularity plummeting due to the Afghanistan issue.
President Biden's approval rating has now dropped to an all-time low, with the majority of Americans disapproving of his job performance. According to a Pew Research Center poll issued Thursday, support for President Joe Biden has dwindled among both Democrats and Republicans, with the president's approval rating now more negative than positive.
In a September poll, less than half of respondents (44%) approved Biden's handling of his position as president, while 53% disapproved. In July, 55% of people said they approved, while 43% said they didn't.
Afghanistan withdrawal resulted in Americans' dissatisfaction
While Biden's handle of the pandemic still inspires greater public trust than his handling of other issues, his approval rating has dwindled from 65% in March to 51% in September.
And the majority of those polled have little to no trust in his management of foreign policy, military action, immigration, and unifying the country. The public's opinion of Biden has likewise deteriorated, App.com reported.
The President's standing has plummeted due to widespread dissatisfaction with his management of the withdrawal from Afghanistan, during which the Taliban gained control and squandered 20 years of international engagement.
However, Americans are concerned about more than Afghanistan; the country's reaction to the coronavirus pandemic and accompanying economic decline are partly to blame for low satisfaction ratings.
According to a Gallup poll conducted in August, only 23% of Americans satisfied Biden's domestic policies, down from 36% in May. According to the survey, Americans feel the COVID-19 pandemic is the most pressing issue facing the country.
Coronavirus infections are still on the rise across the United States, with 680,000 individuals dying so far. Even as hospitalizations and new cases begin to drop, the country is averaging more than 2,000 newly recorded fatalities per day, the highest level since late February.
Joe Biden's mental acuity, foreign policy lost voters' trust
Per Express.co, Biden said the Delta variant has ripped through the US as a largely preventable catastrophe that would "get worse before it gets better."
In early August, experts predicted that Delta could kill tens of thousands more Americans, and Biden has so far failed to control in places where the virus is growing most vigorously.
President Joe Biden, his mental acuity, and his foreign policy have all lost Americans' trust of all ages. According to respondents polled by Pew, Biden also failed to deliver on his campaign promise of bringing the country united. A staggering 66% do not believe he has succeeded, with only 34% feel he has brought the country closer together, as per Daily Mail.
The poll's question comes as Biden confronts a barrage of criticism for his management of the Afghan withdrawal, the boiling southern border issue, and his inability to get booster injections authorized by mid-September, as promised.
While most Americans are unimpressed with Biden's commitment to unity, the vast majority believe he cares about "people like you." However, that percentage is dropping, from 56% in October 2020 to 51% today.
According to the Fox poll, this move is mostly due to a 15-point drop among independent voters. When it comes to various problems, Biden has the highest approval rating for his management of the coronavirus pandemic, with 55% approval to 44% disapproval - a nearly similar result from the same survey question in August.
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