Researchers working at the Jamestown site in Virginia discovered remnants of a church burned to the ground in the Rebellion of Nathaniel Bacon in 1676. They have found proof that is connected to the first revolt against Britain in the American colonies.
Charred remains hinted three incidents of hostilities
In 1676, Nathaniel Bacon, a moneyed landowner who instigated the siege of Jamestown, when Governor William Berkeley was accused of appeasing local Native tribes.
Due to hostilities that resulted in the burning down of the local parish church, which was found in 2019 by Jamestown Rediscovery archaeologist Sean Romo, it traced burn deposits under the soil, which it stood.
When Romo found the charred remains, he concluded it might come from three incidents: the first one in 1608 and one in 1862 when the Confederates were on the run from the Union army, reported the Daily Mail.
Although the remnant could be from the Bacon Uprising that burned the parish down, looking at the evidence on the top part of the charred layer, they concluded it was after burning in 1676, cited the Granthshala.
Looking over the deposits, window leads were found; even metal frames for glass planes were found in casement windows. Leads typically would be with the glazier's signature and date, which would prove the building's construction. Its destruction in the Rebellion of Nathaniel Bacon in 1676.
According to the senior conservator Dan Gamble, he said leads can point out hidden secrets. Romo added they helped date the artifacts precisely.
Jamestown church repeatedly burned down
Historically, the Jamestown church has been burned several times in its history; the earliest burning happened 68 years before. It was not the second was the legendary where Pocahontas wed John Rolfe.
The fourth church was burnt down, made of brick and wood, taking about 11 years to finish construction.
On the site is the 7th church built on the same spot, which finished in 1907 and is still used as an Anglican church today.
Bacon's uprising is not the first to challenge then British rule in the colony. There are many causes why there was unrest, noted the National Park Service.
There was competition from Maryland, with a constricted market, less price for tobacco, and imported English goods were getting expensive. Colonials were getting mad at Gov. Berkeley for his helplessness in stopping raids by Indian tribes on them.
At one point, there was a move to drive away from the native Indians from then Virginia, but the governor interceded. Bacon got fed up and rallied the poorer farmers in non-peaceful revolt because the governor was considered a crooked politician. The rebellion was powerful enough to burn the town on September 19, 1676.
It would have been a successful rebellion if it had not been for dysentery that killed Bacon on October 26, 1676. Then the British governor was sent back to England.
Dave Givens, the director of archaeology, said that the find shows the uprising did happen with the church burned down too. He added the layers from the dig was adding to the story of the rebellion of Nathaniel Bacon in 1676.
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