Kim Jong Un successfully launches a hypersonic missile becoming one of the countries possessing this technology which is a hyper-fast arms. It is significant as it gives Joe Biden something to ponder on, and for Seoul to be more apprehensive.
Super-fast missiles can reach Mach 5+ and won't give defenses time to react, plus radar-guided anti-missile defense is ill-equipped to handle it.
North Korea is seen as very unpredictable plus it is not hampered by international conventions as well. Super-fast missiles might use a nuclear warhead because Pyongyang can do anything.
Kim Jong Un Pleased With the Launch
Kim Jong Un, North Korean supreme leader applauded the successful launch of the country's first hypersonic missile, reported the Express UK.
The media out, VOA News says it signals NoKor as one of the few with this capability.
South Korean military sources say the missile fired into the sea from off country's eastern coast.
It comes as Pyongyang tested a barrage of rockets in previous weeks, in defiance of UN Security Council laws forbidding North Korea from testing and launching such weaponry.
Unlike most ballistic missiles that escape the atmosphere before returning to their target at such a steep angle, cruise missiles don't really exit the atmosphere. The big difference is the speed it travels is Mach 5+, which is about 6,200km per hour.
At this speed, missile defense system will be hard up to stop it. Defenses are still under development like lasers.
Other countries with such tech
Besides North Korea, it is China and Russia that have developed such a terrifying and formidable weapon system.
Hypersonic weapons technology is only new to the NoKor military, which has alerted Washington and South Korea when the launch occurred. The reason for the test is to check out navigational control and stability.
The Nokor leader has a missile in his arsenal that can reach US targets like bases in the Pacific Ocean. The Hwasong-15 ICBM has the range to hit mainland USA, which is not a comforting thought at all, cited the BBC.
Leonid Petrov, a senior lecturer, International College of Management, Sydney and North Korea expert told Al-Jazeera, that it is a formidable weapon, and North Korea has just done a successful first test.
But some sectors are doubting if Pyongyang can push the technology and capability of super-fast missiles technology to new heights.
Other details
Leif-Eric Easley from the Ewha Woman's University in Seoul, remarked that these fast missiles are hard to lock onto once they more. Traveling at extreme speeds and differing its trajectories will make the very slippery to lock on to.
Since it might be just from propaganda, then Pyongyang might be with a prototype that will need more fine-tuning and it is not yet in a working mode.
North Korean engineers and scientists can make a primitive hypersonic vehicle to be fitted with a nuke warhead. NoKor would be very dangerous, especially if it needs to hit close by like Seoul.
According to the KMJ's sister Kim Yo-Jong, Pyongyang might want to have a meeting with Joe Biden. Using the missiles as a hedge to bring the US to the table once and for all, as Kim Jong Un successfully launches a hypersonic missile.
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