Researchers say COVID-19 could cause Guillain-Barré Syndrome (GBS) added to other after-effects to sufferers' list. The affliction will cause damage to nerves because of an autoimmune system gone rampant caused by the virus found out just recently.
This was the conclusion reached by the study that added this to more lung-related conditions effects and long-term after-effects.
This shows that the SARS-CoV-2 is not fully understood how it manages to trip conditions in the human body unexpectedly.
Guillain-Barré syndrome not common and will affect only a few
When the autoimmune system does not do its job correctly, Guillain-Barré syndrome is prompted, and the system attacks more healthy tissue. No, the usual reaction warps and goes after the body's nerves that weak muscles and sometimes paralysis, reported Scitechdaily.
The duration of the disease caused by the virus could be for only weeks or years, as alleged by the study. But the good input is that GBS is not so common, according to researchers.
According to study data, it will affect only 3,000 to 6,000 people in the US compared to other disorders.
Causes of Guillain-Barré syndrome
What will start the condition would be either a viral infection or severe bacterial causes, noted the data. Doctors from the start of the pandemic have noticed at least 90 GBS sufferers getting it after healing from the coronavirus, reported Medscape.
But the connection of COVID-19 could cause Guillain-Barré Syndrome (GBS) under investigation if it is an actual trigger or not, depending on the study's final results.
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According to the research which utilized a data source with GBS patients included in the International GBS Outcome Study (or IGOS), from January 30 to May 30 in 2020, about 49 patients from several countries were involved in the study.
They came from Asia and Europe to be the subject of the IGOS study.
Based on the cohort study that tracked the subjects in the first quarter of the worldwide pandemic. Results were that the virus had infected 22% of the GBS patients before experiencing the syndrome.
These were over fifty years old, with 65% of them had facial palsy, with 64% had been diagnosed with damage to the myelin sheath of the peripheral nerves. During hospitalization for COVID-19, about 73% had more inflammatory markers.
All the patients were thoroughly investigated for the GBS and the SARS-CoV-2 infections as qualifying for the study.
Before anything else, the study states that in the first four mounts of the coronavirus pandemic, there weren't many with GBS even before the worldwide viral breakout happened.
This left the study authors to the point that the coronavirus and the GBS are far-fetch. If anyone suggests it, it is most likely that getting infected early might rarely trigger the nerve-damaging condition.
One of the authors, Bart C. Jacobs, said that COVID-19 could cause Guillain-Barré Syndrome (GBS) which is too small a chance to occur. More studies are needed to probe the relation of GBS to coronavirus further, cited Eureka alert.