Scientists find Stone Age rock art of a bird in an Italian cave with similar paleolithic art estimated at 14,000 years old. The former cave had other art found a century earlier, until the most recent discovery there.
The researchers conducted the study in the Romanelli Cave in Apulia, Italy, in 2016. But archeologists had found ancient rock art, first discovered in 1905.
Paleolithic art is the first visualization of stone age man of the environment he lived in, scattered all over the globe.
Centuries-old rock art discovered in Italian cave
Images left by cavemen in the Romanelli cave are interesting, with pictures of birds, cows, and stylized geometric designs, remarked experts from the University of Rome, reported the Daily Mail.
Archeologists say the pictographs are from an unknown artistic tradition that extends from Spain to France, leaving examples of rock art all over. Finding those in Italy will change what was previously thought; there might be more examples out there.
Human ancestors recently used initial perceptions before carbon dating was the caves. The date was older; the cavemen living here might have done the images more than a millennium, noted Digital Matrox.
The confirmation of the data was done through the collaboration of many disciplines. They discovered the Italian cave at 23 feet above sea level.
Scientists discovered the Stone Age rock art of a bird, found by scholars in 1874, since getting decent research in the intervening decade affected the cave's condition.
The first time the cave was investigated by scientists and documenting the old cave was only in 1905.
According to Dr. Dario Sigari, Università Degli Studi di Ferrara, the rock pictographs were not studied adequately, with geometric forms like ovals, fusiform, and single bovid cited Digital Patrox.
He and his group have been analyzing the cave since 2016, posting the newest data from their investigation in the journal Antiquity, where pictographs are now available for view for the first time.
Discoveries in the Romanelli cave
Several pictographs were seen and made by cavemen tracing shapes in the moon milk, a soft white substance seen as they build up in limestone caves. That is how the bird was made, or more like an extinct Auk. But most of the artwork has decayed over time, yet the artist's skill is still there.
People used tools to create artworks that depended on the surface where the pictographs got carved on, emphasizing a 3D effect which was considered an advanced technique.
The scientist associated the new forms found and the older rock art similar to the cave art in Italy, France, which extends to Spain or Azerbaijan as a common link of these rock art scatter in these places.
Dr. Sigari added they are related and similar throughout Eurasia in the later Paleolithic or stone age. He then linked the same motifs that were seen in the Mediterranean basin.
It is explained that North Africa and the Caucasus are also included in the worldwide mega culture. Scientists find Stone Age rock art of a bird in Romanelli that is part of this ancient phenomenon of 14,000 years old.
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