Taiwanese MP Warns That China's Attempt to Reunify the Island Could be Dangerous for the Indo-Pacific

Taiwanese MP Warns that China’s Attempt to Reunify the Island will be Dangerous for the Indo-Pacific
Wang Ting-yu, a Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) councillor in southern Tainan city. STR/AFP via Getty Images

China's attempt to reunify the island would cause instability in the region, extending into a global conflict, said a Taiwanese MP. This move comes as Taipei is the center of a power struggle between the US and China, placing the island in the middle of the conflict.

Global conflict could happen if China pursues Taiwan

Wang Ting-Yu, a member of Taiwan's Foreign Affairs and National Defense Committee, promised that the island would not surrender to the People's Republic of China. This comes as Beijing is more serious after the US threw down the gauntlet that challenged China, but China said the Americans are making the island an excuse.

China has been developing its forces with technology and capability in its air force and navy, adding more defenses. The PLA is continually testing the capability of the Republic of Taiwan with breaches of the airspace with multiple warplanes and bombers, which is the threat that faces the islands daily, reported the Express UK.

Wang Ting-Yu adds the PLA is getting better every day, and caution is needed to deal with them. Furthermore, the Chinese are the problem with their military forces being too overconfident in the current situation. He mentioned that when Xi Jinping did not step down and pursue his agenda. In the year 2023, the military would be improved significantly for reunification, cited the BBC.

The military will be involved in activities to create conflict in the South China Sea, Himalayan borders close to Indian, with the Taiwan Strait, and the Senkakus in the Sea of Japan.

Everything in the Indo-Pacific is on thin ice with a threat that can prove catastrophic should something trigger it.

Taiwanese MP says Beijing is not being cautious

A statement by the White House is trying to walk back the last words that President Biden spoke about the defense of Taiwan if China invaded. Beijing took it seriously as the US will support Taiwan in the event of armed conflict, as stated by Biden, but many doubt the US can fulfill its vow, noted the Taipei Times.

In effect, what Biden said was an official change of the policy, but the White House is trying to correct what the president said. This effort means the US might not come to Taiwan's aid.

In the Town Hall event in Baltimore, Washington DC Correspondent Kethevane Gorjestani stressed the statement of the US president when asked whether the West would defend Taiwan in the case of a Chinese invasion, which he answered clearly yes.

There is a bit of confusion about how Biden answered the statement if he made a public statement if the US would defend the island, but there was no change in foreign policy.

The White House said there was an official relationship with the US according to the Taiwan Relations Act. So, Taipei has a right to defend itself. Also, Washington opposes what China does, which warns China not to do anything rash.

Over what Joe Biden said about Taiwan's defense is inaccurate, and the White House is correcting mistakes in the statement he made. It's not sure if the US will support Taiwan in China's attempt to reunify the island.

Taiwan, Us, Joe Biden, China