Biden's Apologizes After Trump's Administration Left the US Out of the Paris Accord; Beijing Hates Washington's Ploy

Joe Biden’s Appeasement After the US Left the Paris Accord and Scapegoating Trump is Irrelevant; Beijing Scorned the Ploy

China's reaction to Joe Biden's appeasement for his predecessor leaving Paris Accord was critically panned and called insincere. This response comes as the US president tries to score points with other nations via climate goals and vilifying ex-president Donald Trump.

After giving his statement, the Chinese state media went on the offensive and apologized for leaving the climate accord as pure appeasement and pointless.

Some pundits would say that Trump is out of the picture and it's him on the world stage. Scapegoating is not the best way to look good abroad.

Biden apologizes for the past administration's decision

Last Monday, during the climate conference, the People's Republic of China (PRC) said that Joe Biden's apology for leaving the Paris climate pact is redundant, reported the Daily Mail.

China made light of his posturing at COP 26, adding that even his party cannot decide on a unified decision on climate change.

Since Biden started office, he has always used everyone else to blame, especially Trump, for past actions of the US. But, during his term, there were many crises like the border or the rising inflation that were getting worse.

According to the Global Times, Joe Biden's appeasement will not be taken seriously as the Paris accord is not adhered to by several nations.

In social media, some American posts say they cannot wait for 2024 for him to go on when he loses re-election and Trump to apologize for Biden's mistakes.

Biden needs to win over Democrats to back his proposals

Conservatives are up in arms over Biden's ploy to blame his less than stunning few months in office on Donald Trump.

Ai Jun, a correspondent, said that climate change is very divisive in the US as the DEMS are using it to push change, but many think in the GOP, and the ex-president is preferable.

Chinese media went on to tear Biden for using many cars to go to COP 26 when it's all about CO2 emissions; practice what you preach.

His entourage to Rome is an 85-car and emissions-rich motorcade of large SUVs. Whatever the US leader says, it is all air at COP 26, cited NY Post.

Ai Jun called the apology pointless because he does not have what it takes to fulfill it now or later. He'll be gone when someone else comes. Also, his party is in disarray with no confidence in him.

Xu Liang from Beijing University says that the US needs to say sorry because of internal decline. Biden has failed in handling COVID-19 and no better than Trump's, said Ai.

He added the US president has a lot of work ahead and more issues to weaken the US. Like the US; China, and the USSR emit a lot of carbon emissions.

Joe Biden's appeasement for the Paris Accord is unimportant because it's scapegoating that would only go so far, noted China.

Joe Biden, Donald Trump
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