Angela Merkel Says Not To Alienate Vladimir Putin As He Could Fix the Belarus-Poland Border Crisis

Vladimir Putin is the Only Leader who can Fix the Belarus and Polish Border Crisis; Don’t Alienate Him says German Leader
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The German Leader Angela Merkel talks to Russian Leader Vladimir Putin to stop Belarusian dictator Lukashenko from sending migrants to the Belarus-Poland border. Brussels is up in arms and said that Lukashenko is the cause of the border crisis, getting worse by the day.

The Polish border crisis is getting worse, which the EU calls an attack on it, as many EU leaders are blaming the Kremlin as part of the dilemma. But the German leader cautions them that it might take the intercession of the Russian leader to settle the issue.

Lukashenko weaponizes the refugees in his revenge against the EU

Merkel said that the resulting crisis from the border fallout is a humanitarian problem that is inhumane and unacceptable, reports the Express UK.

Alleged images of migrants lined up and escorted to the borders by what seems to be forces of the Lukashenko regime.

Sources say that the reason for creating the migrant turmoil is because of the sanctions heaped on Minsk, which were pushed by the EU, the US, and the UK to eliminate the political opposition in the past year.

Accusations flew that the Belarusian dictator intentionally weaponized the refugees in his war against the EU, cited the BBC.

Merkel and Putin were discussing options to diffuse the ramping up of tension that could engulf the bloc, remarked a source from the German government. She called the border dilemma the weaponization of migrants that was not correct.

But, the German Interior Minister Horst Seehofer did not share German leader Angela Merkel's sentiment about Vladimir Putin; instead vilified the cooperation of Belarus and Russian trying to poke trouble at the West.

According to the German newspaper Bild, he added that the EU members should come together in opposing Lukashenko and Putin, causing instabilities in the West.

Troops remain to secure borders despite migrant pleas

The Kremlin asked the European Union to do the right thing and allow countless migrants through Belarus. Putin added the Bloc is strangling Belarus via its borders.

According to the Polish government, the waves of migrants will be stopped and defend Europe. They will not be allowed to enter the border.

Twelve thousand troops are deployed to the border, adding to the 10,000 stationed to secure the border shared with Belarus. For Mr. Seehofer, the Poles are justified in their reaction to the marauding migrants. He remarked that they could not be criticized for wanting to secure their borders, and the Poles are bearing the brunt of Lukashenko's revenge on the whole EU block.

But some, like Amnesty International, called the ejection of refugees from their borders illegal. Shocking images of Polish troopers who countered migrants from the Middle East and Africa from passing the barbed fences using pepper spray while the barriers were getting torn down.

Parents hoisted small children to let them pass, done by some individuals who could not get through, while the chaos ensued. The human rights charity did an investigation and found out, revealing that the Poles violated the migrants.

Eve Geddie, Director of Amnesty International's European Institutions Office, said that the Polish government had subjected the migrants to cruel conditions.

Though the EU has the right to defend itself, German Leader Angela Merkel says in order to solve the crisis, it will take Vladimir Putin to settle it.

Russian President Vladimir Putin, Poland