Russia Probes EU's Reaction in the Ongoing Migrant Crisis at the Poland-Belarus Border

Russia Probes EU's Reaction in the Ongoing Migrant Crisis at the Poland-Belarus Border
RUSSIA-BELARUS-DIPLOMACY Russian President Vladimir Putin attends a press conference with Belarusian President following their talks at the Kremlin in Moscow on September 9, 2021. SHAMIL ZHUMATOV/POOL/AFP via Getty Images

Experts are says Russia is probing the reaction of the EU as the migrant crisis is testing how far the bloc will go about resolving it. This dilemma added to the energy crisis of EU members and the North Ireland Protocols, and the US hovering over everything.

Russian leader Vladimir Putin is accused of engineering the spiraling situation that targets the bloc, similar to the ongoing natural gas crisis. But this time, he allegedly conspired with Belarusian Dictator Alexander Lukashenko.

According to Professor Richard Butterwick-Pawlikowski, who spoke to a media outlet, the furor over the migrants passing Belarus to reach the Polish border is not getting better, cites the Politico.

Russia found a weak spot, probes the reaction to manipulate the EU

Butterwick-Pawlikowski stressed it was all engineered and also how the Belarus-Poland border crisis is playing out. He added it is all about finding holes to weaken NATO and Europe, reported the Express UK.

Opponents claim that Belarus and Poland are fighting over the actions of Lukashenko, blamed for weaponizing migrants and sending them to overload the Polish border.

The professor added that the Belarus leader might be more than a tool in causing the chaos at the border engulfing the EU.

He and Putin always had a grudge against the bloc, with the Kremlin's help, he has found a window of opportunity.

Furthermore, sanctions against the dictator made him reliant on the Russian leader, which led the Kremlin to jab the EU more to see what comes next. Russia is probing the reaction of the EU to spot its weak point, and he'll keep on pushing to weaken Brussels.

EU borders are volatile and Russian gas is a lethal weapon

AFP News Editor Dave Clark spoke to France 24 and said the Brussel shot its own foot, with no shared border policy with member states, that would have managed the border crisis easier.

He added that the team-up would pick away at Brussels, slowly seeing no unity in the EU.

Clark stated the bloc is getting together now, and all blame is on them for this crisis, which Russia and Belarus just saw an opening and dove in.

The bloc underestimated Putin and Lukashenko, to their dismay, relying on natural gas from Russia, and Belarus has put the ball in their hands. He panned that a decade passed without developing an EU border policy that is obvious.

Both Putin and Lukashenko will be bolder as they know borders are exploitable, this is just the start of what enemies can do. It depends on Brussels how to deal with the existing gap and the subsequent push to hamper the union.

It is clear the EU has a border management problem, and it's obvious no mechanism exists to cope with it. Also, gas supplies from non-allies like Russia will starve energy from the bloc if needed.

There is chaos at the Belarus-Poland border, which is how Russia is probing the reaction of the EU, then seeing the weak spots and nibbles at Brussels slowly. The result could render the bloc helpless.

Russian President Vladimir Putin, Vladimir putin, Putin, Poland