
RAF Typhoons Intercepts Russian Nuclear Bombers Flying Close to Britain's Airspace; Kremlin Claims It was On Routine Flight

Russian Nuclear Bombers Claim It was On a Routine Flight Close to Britain’s Airspace as RAF Typhoons Intercepted them

Two Russian nuclear bombers were flying close to Britain's airspace with no intentions to violate any borders. This comes as tensions over Crimea and the Poland-Belarus border are engulfing the EU.

The European Union is struggling because a problem over the borders has been exposed, which they claim is getting exploited by Kremlin and Minsk.

Oddly enough, the UK also rendered assistance at the border as the EU seemed to be confused about dealing with the illegal crossing.

Russian bombers escorted away by Brits

Reports say that the Tu-160' White Swan' supersonic nuclear-capable bombers skimmed the North Sea borders, while London was stationed in land forces close to Russia's borders. This situation said the UK's top military official could start a shooting war, which is worse than in the first cold war, reports the Sun UK.

These long-range bombers would take a long 15-hour flight from the Scottish coast, were turned away by the Typhoons, said the Moscow defense ministry.

According to Russian sources, the rocket-armed Tupulev bomber was on a routine flight that skirted along neutral Barents, Norway, and North seas, on its flight path, cites Metro UK. The fifteen-hour flight accounted for the extended distance.

Information released by Russian sources shows the bombers not breaching the border, flying over neutral territory.

Missions by the Russian Air Force usually attempt to see how the NATO air forces react to any planes skimming its defended airspace until they are forced to move, like in the case of the Blackjack Tu-160.

The RAF units from Lossiemouth and Coningsby, with the Dutch, Norway, Belgian Air Forces, often do the intercepts of Russian nuclear bombers.

An RAF spokesman said that the Typhoons were sent up to stop the entry of other aircraft into its airspace. RAF officially noted that the Russian bombers had stayed in neutral air space in a Twitter post.

The Kremlin made it clear that all its plane in the Russian Aerospace Force are aware they should be compliant with rules governing the use of air space.

The massed numbers of Russian troops cause an alarm over the flight on the Ukraine border, and NATO and the US are afraid an invasion will be coming.

Last November 11, Putin allowed two Blackjacks an overflight over the Belarusian air space as a precaution should NATO planes interfere with Minsk.

Russian ally under fire

Belarusian dictator Alexander Lukashenko is called out to weaponize the migrants as a new war against the EU. This hybrid war, as the west calls it, is causing tension all over the EU.

Brussel claims the Belarus leader is orchestrating a drive of immigrants into Poland, Lithuania, and Latvia to be a gateway to Germany and EU nations, including the UK.

London has sent British units to assist the Poles over the worsening crisis. Poland's defense minister, Mariusz Blaszczak, acknowledged that engineering units of the UK are on reconnaissance missions on the border.

Reports of Belarus and Russian units in exercises are due to more NATO units at the Polish border. This is seen as a potential flashpoint.

Russian nuclear bombers skirting the borders of the UK drew attention and got escorted away is only a small part of the developing enmity in the EU. NATO and the US are players seemingly trying to force the Kremlin's hand.

Royal Air Force
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