Indian Husband Attempts To Kill His 25-year-old Wife Using Poisonous Snake But Was Caught Red-handed After Autopsy Results Says otherwise

An evil husband plotted to kill his 25-year-old wife after the second try with a deadly cobra when he got caught later on by authorities.

Suraj Kumar, the murderer, killed his wife, Uthra, 25, in her residence in India, in Kerala. Before Uthra died, her spouse took two attempts to kill her when he failed on the first attempt.

25-year-old Indian wife killed by snakebite

Kumar thought he got away with literal murder but killing his wife did not go unpunished, and he was charged later. It seemed the Indian man got away scot-free, except in the post mortem, the examiner detected an amount of snake venom from the Indian spectacled cobra, reported the Sun UK.

The husband tried to mask his wife's death as a random accident in a country with 60,000 individuals perishing from a snakebite. But the wife's parent was not deterred and sought to prove the guys guilty.

Last May 7, the police released the examination result of the autopsy and found a motive for murder, so they filed charges against Kumar immediately, cited 9 News.

About sixteen days before, the wife went to the hospital to seek treatment for a snake bite. This was the first time he tried to kill her but was unsuccessful. Kumar was not one to give up until she was dead. The husband was not easily deterred in ending their marital vows after meeting in 2018 through matching service.

Vishu, the deceased woman's brother, said they wanted someone to make her happy, noted CNN. The husband killed his 25-year-old wife later.

According to her brother, the woman had a learning disability and needed someone to care for the sister. Kumar is a bank clerk from a poor household; his dad drives a rickshaw, and a housewife mom.

Twelve months of marriage to Uthra was dull, and she gave birth to an infant son later. But the wife's parent's remarked that Kumar was asked for a new car, new appliances, including paying for a hefty MBA for his sister, as demands from his parents.

The trial judge thought that Kumar married for money after receiving an amount of gold, a new car, and £4,997 in cash. At Kumar's trial, his father-in-law told the court that he gave what the other side wanted, with a few to look after his daughter.

Indian man's attempts to kill wife

A first attempt to kill the wife was in February 2020; he purchased a Russell viper on the steps of a staircase that would but Uthra.

Placing the snake there did not work, but he wanted to kill her, so on March 2, he went for a second attempt. He mixed the sedatives in her food and got the snake to bite her, but she survived.

On the second time, he got a cobra to finish the job. Giving Uthra sedative juice, but the snake did not bite; got the snake fang and jabbed her like a needle. She died from the bite, but no snake was found.

A husband killed his 25-year-old wife with a snake and was given life in prison for a badly messed up murder.