China and Russia Potential Alliance With Iran Could Form Triumvirate; West Needs Tehran To Heel or Face Jeopardy

Iran could be Allied to China and Russia Forming a Triumvirate; The West Needs Tehran to Heel or Face Jeopardy
(From L) EU's foreign policy chief Federica Mogherini, Iranian Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif, Deputy director of the Department for Nonproliferation and Arms Control of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Russia Alexey Karpov, British Foreign Secretary Philip Hammond and US Secretary of State John Kerry attend the announcement of an agreement on Iran nuclear talks on April 2, 2015 at the The Swiss Federal Institutes of Technology (EPFL) in Lausanne. Iran and world powers said they had reached agreement on Thursday on "key parameters" of a potentially historic deal aimed at preventing Tehran from building the bomb. FABRICE COFFRINI/AFP via Getty Images

Western nations are worried that Iran could be allied to China and Russia and ignore them on the nuclear table if Tehran pulls away, it is a problem for NATO and the US.

If such a triumvirate is formed with the Middle East, Far-Eastern Asia, and Eastern Europe, which Iran, China, and Russia do form a power bloc, it would be a worst-case scenario to play out. Tehran is another nuclear power in the making and has significant armed forces.

Iran, China, Russia could form power bloc

Allied nations hope that Tehran will not do a 360-turn and become Beijing and Moscow's third pal. They suppose that the Islamic state will be the one to be their third member that will take over the power vacuum that Washington left, reported the Express UK.

The Islamic state is talking to the US and its friends about whether there's a chance that the country's nukes and research could be lessened, especially the development of nuclear weapons.

But Alex Phillips, the former Member of Parliament and GB host, cautioned not to take it seriously because it might be a feint by Iran that is bidding its time. On the wings are Russian President Vladimir Putin and Xi Jinping waiting for a deal, cited Brinkwire.

For all intents, the allies want to rope in Tehran via a nuclear deal and sedate the rogue state, so the west can have a 'good relationship' that will not benefit Iran.

One of the reasons for talking to the rogue state will finally be brought to heel after the former president told the Iranian government to take a hike. If it succeeds, then Joe Biden will regain some lost prestige after Afghanistan. If Iran could be allied with China and Russia, that would be dangerous for the west.

Triumvirate could be a threat to the US

China and Russia would like to acquire Tehran as its next satellite power in the region to ensure that even in that corner of the world is covered. Their next member became essential to the strategy employed by the group, noted GB News UK.

Also, having a connection to China will benefit the middle eastern country. European NATO does not want a belligerent Iran to be a problem, with the chance the allies should need to roll in. It looks like they don't want Iran to nuclear up, as it is seen as a threat. But, sometimes, it is forgotten that countries in NATO have nuclear arms.

Sources state that a fearless Tehran has enough weapons-grade uranium and is about a month away from completing its first nuclear bomb.

Israel has for years conducted shadowy operations that included killing nuclear scientists and doing sabotage acts; that included cyber warfare to stop those tasked to make the bomb. Even if Tehran tells Jerusalem they will retaliate, it does not faze them.

Mr. Philips stated that other countries in the Middle East, like Saudi Arabia, would get serious if Iran had the bomb. He added this is one of the worst scenarios if an arms race starts in the Middle East.

Iran has been hit hard by sanctions, and it needs the business to develop its economy. The top negotiator Ali Bagheri Kani remarked the sanctions should stop as well. Should Iran be allied to China and Russia, it would be a different ball game the west will not find easy.

Russia, China, Iran