
Pope Francis Critiques the EU for Draconian Rules That Extends to Celebration of Christmas as Wokeness Spreads

Pope Francis critiques the European Union for Draconian Rules that Extends to Celebration of Christmas as Wokeness Spreads

Pope Francis critiques the European Union for policies that he called too 'elderly and haggard' how the bloc has betrayed its promise to its citizens. He added it comes close to getting too dictatorial that is not beneficial.

During the week, the Pope expressed disappointment in the organizations allowing woke influences to color its policies. He opposed the radicalization of the mindset that is sowing chaos in the US, which has no place in Europe.

Pope calls on EU for being "bureaucratic"

Pope Francis is saddened that the word 'Christmas' is getting censured by the bloc like a dictatorship. On the flight back to the Vatican City, he added that the EU should not even allow any stain of wokeness that is ideological colonization, reported the Express UK.

The European Commission was severely lashed for its memo to restrict 'Christmas' as more inclusive.

The source of all the critiques is a 30-page guide author by EU communications that got scoured by critics who call the attempt to institutionalize Christian on celebrating Christmas, cited Eagle's Vine.

Coming from a five-day trip to Greece and Cyprus, he said that autocrats and dictatorships have historically tried to co-opt ideology but failed.

He mentioned the time of Napoleon and the Third Reich and the communists who had not succeeded in controlling people. Such actions are doomed to failure and decline in time, and they do not last.

It called on Brussels not to fall into the trap of wokeness from America, divisive and destructive to the bloc's solidarity. According to Pope Francis critiques, the European Union should not allow it.

Pope' visions for a better bloc

For the record, it's the first occasion that the Vatican's key representative has thrown barbs at the bloc, although called the EU too much into red and bureaucratically unhinged.

During 2014, he spoke to the bloc's parliament that reforms were needed more than ever. It was stressed that reforming policies are required to survive.

The Pope told the MEP's that a spread of mistrust of the body's policies is spreading to all citizens of member countries. Citizens think the guidelines are antipeople and not grounded in reality.

He panned such actions that killed the dynamism that kept Europe moving were getting lost because of politics and institutions. Adding that Europe's founding fathers, the EU, is getting too old and unresponsive, noted Tecnocharger.

He expressed a vision of a European bloc that accommodates all ideas and has the freedom to do anything within reason as a bloc member.

He called on all the EU members to be a family together, and everyone can do what is needed for co-mutual support. Pope Francis said they are one family, not separate peoples.

The address of the Pope was given kudos by Nigel Farage, who was the head of the UKIP, and said the Vatican head expressed his words.

During the address to the MEPs, Matteo Renzi, the Italian prime minister, said the Pope was right and needed reform. One of the Vatican's stances is the welfare of immigrants, and immigration policies need to be tweaked. Pope Francis critiques the European Union for getting involved in woke policies that drive a wedge against unity, and ideological poisoning is not tolerated.

Pope Francis, European Union, Eu
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