Joe Biden Presidential Approval Polls Sink Rock Bottom; Republicans Appear To Be Preferred by Americans

Joe Biden Presidential Approval Polls Sink like a Rock and Republicans are More Preferred by Americans
Leigh Vogel/Getty Images for UnPac

Joe Biden gets handed low approval polls that are the lowest for any president, and even Donald Trump did not sink the numbers when he was president. It is a total meltdown for the White House, failing in key concerns that both president and vice president are seen as incapable, even by their own parties.

These issues like crime, inflation, and the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic have meted a failed grade that the administration's allies are trying to spin, but no one is biting the feint.

Americans' low approval rating for Biden

President Biden has sunk to the bottom, and many don't want him back for another term, and his vice president is not helping either, reported the Express UK.

Americans are looking for less crime, less inflation, and a way to lessen the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic, which a new poll revealed. Instead, the president denies that nothing is amiss, cites Fox News.

The White House is relying on the slim lead of the Democrats to push his unpopular bills and policies that many are eschewing. About two-thirds of US citizens are not happy with how inflation is handled terribly.

ABC News polled questions with Ipsos Mori noted the Democrat president is losing a bid for independents, attempting to run in 2024 a blood bath. As for 2022, the Democrats are already bleeding terribly, noted Ipsos.

Joe Biden's rating is not good, and getting only 43% at an aggregate poll by FiveThirtyEight shows that a case of buyers regrets on a wide scale. These approval polls are indicative of what is come.

The ABC survey was done from December 10 to 11, where 57% revealed severe disappointment that should have been better. This is economic recovery and the pandemic that former President Donald Trump has tools left. Inflation has run rampant, and 69% have given Biden the thumbs down. The administration is blaming the pandemic for the bad results this year.

According to more data, the information highlights that the GOP is 94% giving the president a big fail. In the Democrat ranks who want to win in the next polls see the terrible performance, a small pass of 54% is a divided party. President Biden could recover, but even that is a big fail, 71% percent of independent voters would not have him.

Democrats, Republicans race to get approval from the undecided

A race between the GOP and the DEMs will not depend on hardcore supporters but get that need push for the undecided. It is crucial to winning them over, but the Democrat bosses cannot count on a very unproductive VP, and a president allegedly caught napping on the job.

Rock bottom polls are a disconnect to the American voter, who loses income for everyday living. The Democrats via Biden wants to tax even more.

Poll aside with 53% giving the president a thumbs down, since January 20 that followed crisis after another. Fear of COVID and another factor make it easy for Americans to opt for vaxxing. Furthermore, Joe Biden and his bad approval polls show too many factors against him.

Joe Biden, Republicans
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