
Ohio Rep. Jim Jordan’s Text Prior to the Jan. 6 Capitol Riot Released; Republican Urges Mike Pence To Nullify Joe Biden’s Win

Attorney General Garland Testifies Before House Judiciary Committee
WASHINGTON, DC - OCTOBER 21: Rep. Jim Jordan (R-OH) gives an opening statement before U.S. Attorney General Merrick Garland testifies at a House Judiciary Committee hearing at the U.S. Capitol on October 21, 2021 in Washington, DC. Garland is expected to give testimony about the status of the Justice Department's investigations into the January 6th attack on the Capitol. Photo by Greg Nash-Pool/Getty Images

The House select committee is currently under fire for editing and then releasing Ohio Rep. Jim Jordan's text message to Mark Meadows.

According to reports, the House select committee did not name Jordan as the person that forwarded a text to Meadows saying that then-Vice President Mike Pence should call out all electoral votes that he believes are unconstitutional.

But the representative was forced to come clean after realizing that his original text message was edited by the committee investigating the Jan. 6 Capitol riot.

Ohio Rep. Jim Jordan's text message was edited

Jordan outed them and the House select committee admitted that they added punctuation so that they could trim down the rep's text message. A spokesperson for the panel said that they regret making the mistake.

"On January 6, 2021, Vice President Mike Pence, as President of the Senate, should call out all electoral votes that he believes are unconstitutional as no electoral votes at all - in accordance with guidance from founding father Alexander Hamilton and judicial precedence," part of Jordan's text message read via the Huffington Post.

However, the House select committee placed a period after the word "all" and before "in," which suggested that Pence should make the call. However, Pence refused to follow Trump's orders to call out all electoral votes even if he could do so because there was no proof of any fraud during the 2020 election.

Donald Trump's allies believed they could change the election result

According to CNBC, Jordan's forward text was originally written by Joseph Schmitz, a former Pentagon inspector and former Trump campaign aide. Schmitz has not commented on the matter. But with or without his statement, the publication said that the forwarded text message shows that Trump and his allies were sharing ideas about how they can change the result of the election in their favor.

Until today, Trump is still convinced that the election was rigged even though he hasn't found any proof to support his claims. However, some of his supporters are slowly realizing that they are in the wrong and that Trump may have lied to them.

Chris Christie blasts Donald Trump

Last month, Chris Christie said that Republicans should renounce the conspiracy theories and truth deniers who are well aware that there wasn't any fraud but are still insisting that there was. Christie also said that it's important to give Republicans all the facts to prove to them that what Trump told them is not true, according to The Guardian.

Last week, Christie also blamed Trump for the Jan. 6 Capitol riot. He said that Trump knew that he lost to Biden very early on. But he didn't want to accept defeat.

And those around the ex-POTUS were also aware that Trump didn't win, but no one had the courage to tell him what he didn't want to hear. Christie is confident that the truth will come out one day and Trump's conspiracy theories would be put to rest. But for now, the ex-POTUS is still convinced that he's telling the truth.

Mark Meadows, Donald Trump
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