Shark immune proteins are supposed to be a source of the next coronavirus cure, which can allegedly stop the Omicron and Delta variants, including the next variation of the SARS-CoV-2 in the future that's speculated. These antibodies are supposed to have advantages that human-based proteins don't have.
Researchers are looking into developing them as vaccines, but they would not be ready until the next breakout, but having it will be better than nothing in the next pandemic.
Shark proteins can prevent COVID-19
Aaron LeBeau, a University of Wisconsin-Madison professor of pathology, led the studies and stated his findings in Medical Xpress. VNARS proteins are more miniature than human antibodies that fit in the smaller opening in the virus.
LeBeau added that they had identified three VNARs from countless candidates that could counter infection by the coronavirus sickening human cells.
Though it shows promise, these antibodies will not fully develop during this COVID-19 pandemic. Preparation of the antibodies will be priorities for any future breakout that might be far worse, reported the Daily Mail.
The COVID-19 disease was first declared on March 11, 2020, by the World Health Organization caused by infection of SAR-CoV-2. The pandemic shutdown of businesses and people locked down in their homes globally.
Lockdowns are not over yet, and the coronavirus is still changing and mutating to mostly misunderstood strains, with vaccines working, but the virus is finding ways to infect.
Cases of the latest variant have increased numbers from 241 to 319 but not the thousands on Thursday, according to Chief Medical Advisor to the President of United States, Dr. Anthony Fauci. He added that more mutant strains are inevitable to infect more humans, cited Science Org.
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Testing of the Shark immune proteins on the SARS-CoV-2 and another 'pseudotype' version of the pathogen was stopped from replication. This is where three VNARs candidates will be developed more to become treatments.
A VNAR called 3B4 was able to stick on the protein spike where it will infect human host cells that canceled the sticking of the spike. This groove is the same on several coronaviruses, and the 3B4 stopped the MERS virus from infecting a cell from a press release. Since the protein attached to that section from the spike could be a sign, it is versatile enough for future variants to come.
Antibodies from sharks to tackle Omicron strain
When tested on the delta variant, there was no distinct change that is promising based on the study. One concern about the VNAR study is that it was pre-Omicron, but LaBeau remarks the first simulations say the protein can deal with the mutant.
Another protein is VNAR 2C02 which will be attached to the spike that becomes inactive. At the point of contact, it will transform, which will affect its preventive qualities.
Most likely, it will be a combination of VNARS to tackle present strains to more mutants that arise in time. More application is whether the VNARS could be used in the fight against cancer which is mostly fatal.
Sharks have outstanding immune systems that could encompass COVID-19 for a long time. Interest in a natural liver oil called Squalene, a medicinal component.
Studies to see how it works as another component of COVID vaccines in jabs increase the immune response. But it's opposed due to driving sharks to extinction.
Studying shark immune proteins could be the next safeguard of another pandemic that is important to prepare for the future.